Dropping items upon death

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Hung Chow residence.
Topic: You will drop your inventory (or at least have it removed) upon death.

Short explanation (in notes):
- When you die, you will either drop the items on the ground as a package, or they are removed completely.
- Some items may simply have to be removed from the game, as a sofa flying out of your arse seems silly and unrealistic.
- People will actually care about dying, leading to more thought behind their actions, which will hopefully increase server realism.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I believe that this should be added as frankly, a lot of people don't give a damn about what they do with themselves, they will enter a raid guns blazing; a lot of unrealistic actions take place. I guess you could also say that less people will be less inclined to break basic laws which are strictly followed IRL for safety reasons. As well as realism, I feel that this will make people choose a passive style of playing, leading to a more interactive player base.

Optional additions:
- Heavy props/items removed
- Have more caps on specific amounts of items you can carry, I.E only 3 boxes of ammo and such.
- Add bags or other storage devices to increase how many items you can carry because of the option above.
- items that are dropped upon death in a 'package' such as the delivery man one will instead turn into raw materials or a more basic form of item.
- You can keep your items if you get revived.
- Instead of a package being dropped, the body can be searched with the use key, it will leave DNA as a possible suspect for the police to investigate (this links in with the detective job) Either that or taking the package that is dropped will automatically add DNA to the body.
- Add a rule where you cannot loot bodies in public areas to improve realism.
- Government employees should not be able to loot bodies apart form illegal items. And there should be no drop once a medic/officer examined the body
- 1-2, or 3 minute timer until items can be looted (gives enough time for the user to make a report. And no user who randomly kills someone will hang around like that.
or items cannot be looted until 1 minute after the player actually dies, not unconscious. (Also plenty of time for the user to submit a report if needed) - Shamwow

This would be a huge change if accepted, so input is required, as it's the communities (as well as the owners) choice for this to take place.
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I agree with Gerkin (what a lovely man)

Just be thankful that you don't drop everything when you die because I can pretty much guarantee that people will suddenly begin to have longer lives if that is added in.

Yes please. Excellent idea, only issue I can see is that it would increase the number of entities knocking around but combining them into one box or whatever would do the trick
Huge +Support

Having a system like this will make players value their life and play much more realistically.

Great idea.

INB4 the children rate it disagree as they don't want to lose their precious items.
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+/- support
Yea, its realistic and they dont want to die then, but when i finally crafted... a gun succesfully and it costed like 5 k to craft, and then while brining it to trunk, you get rammed and killed, arghh...
No. Just no. I love RP, and therefore I love Clockwork. Sadly clockwork is too hard and very unforgiving. The RP in Perp is kinda shit, and the voicechat is not a good part of it either. But the voicechat is ok, because this is meant to be a fun gamemode, not clockwork. If this get's added, it would be an unforgiving RP server, like clockwork, but with shitty RP.

That's just my opinion. -support Sorry.

And don't get me started on the minge kills/cdm's.
Not really sure with that, I just cant imagine that refounding by Senior admins, also, when any idiot will be lagging and randomly kill someone on side wall, you will loose your stuff, well, I'm not sure with that.
Clearly this suggestion has its positives and negatives - making the server more realistic and risk having a large impact on the members. Unfortunately, I feel that slightly improving roleplay is not worth creating a large issue for others on the server, it would also be an irritation for the staff who have to deal with random killings (taking items).

I cannot support this suggestion.


Member of PERPHeads.
To put it simply I'm agreeing mostly with @Zan116 at this time about this idea. So if you can give some more ideas of how to safeguard against having to constantly refund and potentially having to create ways for senior staff to remove items from a player that they obtained wrongfully, that would be much appreciated.
To put it simply I'm agreeing mostly with @Zan116 at this time about this idea. So if you can give some more ideas of how to safeguard against having to constantly refund and potentially having to create ways for senior staff to remove items from a player that they obtained wrongfully, that would be much appreciated.
I have an idea That you would have to search their bodies for the items. On phone Sorry :trande:
The weight you can carry should be decreased massively, or the weight of items should be increased. Either way people aren't gonna be able to carry these kind of stuff on them when they aren't needed. I mean, what regular person would be able to carry 150/250KG on them? Although this suggestion is really good, and should be added. Sure, some slight changes should be made and further thought but Im sure people will think about more stuff that will help this suggestion.

-space for edit-
Quick comment to @BlitZKrieG about carry weights, I would agree with except for the fact you some need the ability to carry stoves and other such things that a single person would normally be unable to. So unless you have some ideas about that, I'm not sure if that would work.

However, not to derail this suggestion but it probably would be a good idea that we change it so carried weight effects more statistics than just a limit. As we now have seats around the map and resting would be easy, this may be a good idea.

I'd still like input about this idea and how to avoid abuse by picking someone's stuff up / searching their body when their death was the result of VDM/RDM or just a body someone comes across. Because I have no problem with ideas that would encourage life over death, but most have serious flaws which I don't know any good solution to; this is one of them.
@BlitsKrieg. Then its not worth even trying to craft stuff because if a stove weighs 95/100 you would have to go backwards and forwards for ingredients for your weapons all the time. Now i also agree this idea will cause havoc on new players all the way to experienced ones. and here's what can happen, CDM/RDM stepping on a curb and going speed of light to top of map then dying with all your objects scattered around the map in the end there's more bad side's to good sides with this idea.
On me, as a cop, I carried 200 items, imagine, 200 seperate items spilling everywhere. In the middle of a gunfight, you shoot 5 cops, 200 items each. Oh no.

IMO -Support.
I don't wanna spend all of my money on phones and life alerts because sweatervests are always running me over
@BlitZKrieG The easiest way to handle heavy items such as stoves, sofas, etc. would be a delivery to your home/storage. This would increase realism and cover up rule 3.9. Also the chance of picking up a heavy item would be lower.

@Standish Government employees should not be able to loot bodies apart form illegal items. And there should be no drop once a medic/officer examined the body
Even though I don't wholeheartedly agree with dropping all items upon death, maybe this will stop the unrealistic combat and 'fuck the police imma drive away now' attitude that so many people on the server have. Perhaps being able to loot the players body as non government employ and civilian in a chest-like interface would solve boxes or items dropping whenever someone gets shot. -neutral+ leaning strongly towards +support.
I do like the idea of this, but it shouldn't belong in PERP. It's more of a Clockwork RP thing, it'll only encourage minge grabbing or killing people randomly just for their stuff.
It's a no from me.
Add a rule where you cannot loot bodies in public areas to improve realism.
Because that will really stop people... And it would obviously require some staff member seeing them do it when no one else is around to see them doing it. Even if someone else were around to witness it, based on other scenarios I've seen where people come across a dead body, no one calls cops or medics, so they would all loot the body and never report each other.
You can keep your items if you get revived.
So... How exactly are you deciding when you can loot the body? Your idea seems a bit confusing as it both suggests using a box for the dropped items, and other times it is you have to manually check the body. Some clarity is needed here as you also give multiple different time periods in which it would or would not be allowed.
Government employees should not be able to loot bodies apart form illegal items. And there should be no drop once a medic/officer examined the body
Seems as though the body would've been looted several times by then so really I don't know how this changes much.

You still haven't really explained how you would prevent people from taking anything from any body they find, and when people do inappropriately take items, how are they being retrieved? Does the person simply get to keep all their illegitimate gains? Also if no staff member is on the server, obviously reporting said behavior would go nowhere. It seems like it would massively increase the number of reports and ban requests on the forums, instead of adding a more in depth game feature. And you should know as well as any other staff member, there are plenty of reports each day as it is.

Anyone discussing carry weight
Make a new server discussion thread and talk about what can be done to improve that system, when it seems a formal idea/suggestion has been formed, create a thread then.

So my impression of this idea is still, it would improve people's will to live but at maybe too high a cost for all parties involved as well as the staff team. It's roughly like when you throw a molotov at someone's house presently, it unfortunately has a tendency to be viewed as "excessive negativity", so I feel this idea would result in much the same with people looting bodies they shouldn't and looting ones that were killed by a mistake. It seems this should be discussed more in an appropriate thread for discussion as the idea itself has not been fully formed and is constantly changing. While there is nothing bad about having an idea that changes shape as more people discuss it, it seems this one has a lot of details to still be worked out before being labeled an idea/suggestion and not just a thought.

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