Discussion Post:
Main Idea: Relocate or remove the drug dealer location at bazaar
Full description of the idea: Moving or removing the current location of drug dealer behind bazaar from the garages to somewhere like Car Dealer forest or such.
Why should it be added?: The spot it currently sits in is very public as it’s right next to a busy road with full view. Anyone dealing drugs on a large scale for a long time wouldn’t sit next to one of the busiest roads.
Drug Dealer Relocation
Main idea: Move the drug dealer spot from behind bazaar at the garages. Description: Currently where the drug dealer sits is in clear view of the public road, surely this would be too risky for him to sit there. I believe he should be moved somewhere a bit more discreet like behind puffermart...
Main Idea: Relocate or remove the drug dealer location at bazaar
Full description of the idea: Moving or removing the current location of drug dealer behind bazaar from the garages to somewhere like Car Dealer forest or such.
Why should it be added?: The spot it currently sits in is very public as it’s right next to a busy road with full view. Anyone dealing drugs on a large scale for a long time wouldn’t sit next to one of the busiest roads.
- Can sell drugs without being paranoid about being in the open
- Less population in the back alley or people looking in
- More mugging spots for DD?
- May require more effort or further to go in order to sell or buy drugs