Duke Ford

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United Kingdom
I wanted to take a moment to praise @You sure -.-' ? for his recent PassiveRP on the server. He's been recently setting up a doctor's office in the back room of the hospital being used to treat people. I for one know that he has attended a job for a suicidal person and he took them back to provide treatment and help them out. You don't see as much PassiveRP nowadays so it was really nice to see this setup on multiple occasions and improve with time. Keep up the good work, Duke Ford!






@MidoTheCigar @northnortheast
Psychiatrists Duke Ford and Paulie Guenzette have successfully managed to rehabilitate their first mental healthcare patient. Patient Richard Millard has come to us with severe PTSD from being an officer in PLPD and coming near "orange people" as he called them, as well as severe OCD and, most prominently, separation anxiety from his mother.
We will not disclose any details, despite the patient being deceased (patient has later died from health complications and did not jump off the bridge as some news outlets say), however we want you to know that we have decided to name the facility after him - "Millards' Mental Health Facility".
We also thank PLPD Officer Roen Cohen for bringing this man in and giving him the help he so very much needed.

We thank the city of Paralake for their continued support and funding for this new government project.


@northnortheast @Tyler Mason

Post Crime-Scene Body Disposal team (PSCBD) is a privately owned company within the city of Paralake. It specializes in professional removal of bodies, be it out of your apartment, house, or your neighborhood street! PSCBD Team is consisted of 3 highly trained professionals at the moment who have years of experience.

Tired of Emergency Services dragging that bloody body out of your apartment complex, getting the stairs all dirty, not even bothering to see where they are dragging and how they are disposing the bodies, without even the proper body bags?! Well, worry no more!

PSCBD is here to make your life easier. Using a wide range of various chemicals and disinfection methods we ensure that your apartment complex, street, or house is clear and clean after any incidents occur. You can finally leave your doorstep knowing you're in a safe and disinfected environment.

In addition, PSCBD ensures that the bodies are identified and returned to their families or disposed of properly, and safely.

List of people we have disposed and identified as per the pictures shown above:

@Jack Bushross

We send our condolences to their families and friends, as we depart them from Paralake in our transport ships.
The best disposal service in Paralake! Dealt with two bodies and had it all cleaned up in a flash





Duke's Arena

The first professional fighting community established within Paralake ran by Mayor Duke Ford that exercises a strict set of rules and policies to ensure the most quality of fights with the focus being on fighters' safety and well-being.
Our fighters are bound by contract and covered in our special healthcare program which is free upon signing the contract.
Only the strongest will rise to the top and earn the Paralake Championship title, in the unforgiving environment of an old scrapyard. Will you be able to utilize the environment to your advantage or will your sheer skill and martial arts knowledge carry you?
Enter the ring and face your fears.

Current Championship Title Holder: @Tinky (3-0)

Our current roster is:
1. Tinky Starsky (Godfist) (3-0) (UNDEFEATED)
2. Jake Salvey (The Conqueror) (1-1)
3. Rob Robster (The Ironfist) (0-1)

4. Tony Marley (0-1)

General Arena rules:
1. No weapons allowed.
2. No talking to fighters pre-fights.
3. No entry in the cage.
4. Entry viewer/spectator fee is 500$ (fighters are not required to pay the fee).

General Fighter rules:
1. No illegal substances (including but not limited to enhancers, drugs, steroids).
2. No fights to the death (once a fighter is down, or has surrendered, you must stop fighting and the referee will intervene).
3. Crouching/submitting = surrender, and the fight must stop.
4. Pre-fight you must go through a drug test and submit a sample to our referees.

The Leader-board will be updated after every event, hopefully adding pictures and profiles for every fighter soon!

28th of January
Jake "The Conqueror" Salvey has suffered major head trauma but is now recovering in a hospital after his fight with the champion, Tinky "Godfist" Starsky.
Rob "IronFist" Robster has suffered a fractured rib and a very mild concussion, after his fight with The Conqueror who landed a very nasty punch to his temple and a kick to his ribcage to follow! He has now fully recovered!
Tony Marley suffered minor injuries and is ready to return to the arena.
We're hoping to see them return to the arena soon.

// Side role-play notes: The main thing about this role-play is, even if it is done in an organized and non-mingy fashion like this, and while I somewhat understand why, is that the police role-players decide to intervene. While I wouldn't like to name anyone, use common sense where possible and try your best to promote harmless role-play if no one is minding it and everyone is having fun.
Staff on the other hand (minus the officer), are very cool about it and I was offered in-character assistance too. Very cool!
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His cigar shops always complimented any passive RP builds I made and when I'm not making them I always see him doing something interesting. Keep up the good work @You sure -.-' ? !
After improving the jailing and parole system the PLPD has rehabilitated and returned to society those who were a victim of the Paralake's way of living. Recognizing that changes needed to be made, our staff with the PLPD (Sergeant Duke Ford, Corporal David Carry (@LilChicken), and Senior Officer Jaden Rogerson @Scrabuz).
By increasing the quality and introducing humane policies into processing and containing prisoners in the jail system, we have managed to directly affect and lower the crime rates within the city. Listed below will be some examples.





Q: How does it work?

A: After getting your suspect to the jail cells, Jailor Ford will take the suspects information, notes on his charges and how long the Officer believes it would be reasonable for the man to serve based on his discretion. Afterwards, the arresting Officer is free to go! From there on, mugshots are being taken, and Jail Guard Carry moves them to their cells. From there, based on the nature of crimes that have been committed by the suspect, they're either released or they remain handcuffed if repeat violent offenders, for example.
From there they serve their sentence, are handed regular meals and recreational breaks outside of cells. They may interact with each other and with Officers working at the jail cells (within reason).
Officers may also call for a transport unit to come, take the information on what the suspects are being charged for, and transport them back to PD! This helps the Officer stay on the streets without wasting time on prosecuting suspects.

Q: What happens if the suspects are violent towards officers?

A: Solitary confinement or suspects remaining in handcuffs within their cells are the way we deal with this. Using spit guards is also another common tool officers must resort to. Prisoners may have their sentence increased if their behavior is poor or they have committed a violent crime while serving their sentence.

Our staff consists of:

1. Jailor Duke Ford
2. Transporter Jaden Rogerson
3. Jail Guard David Carry

Last week, a big riot has been caused by one of the gang leaders that has been arrested and prosecuted.
We would like to thank the following officers for helping us contain the riot and get everything working in order afterwards:
@Mim (Captain Brown)
@Double J (LT Blackburn)
@Hayden (LT James)

and others that were at the scene!

Below is a sample of what parole hearings are like - the suspect in question was serving a long sentence for a violent crime.

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duke is an aspiring police sergeant with his eyes on the big league of the plpd. he makes leaps of progress day in and day out, supporting police officers in and out of roleplay.

on top of this, he is a reliable helper and fantastic civilian roleplayer, be it running a small shop in the bazar or venturing on much larger rp conquests such as fight clubs.

duke is an excellent thinker and always trying to innovate in the rp realm.

thank you duke.
I've talked to Duke Ford a lot and I think he's a really good RP player, he takes the game seriously, plays sensible RP and as far as I know he doesn't break the rules, it's nice to see people like that. @You sure -.-' ? deserves my respect and the staff team because they just pay attention to such nice players.