Server Suggestion Dynamic Residences (The Hank Hill Update)

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Suggestion Title: Dynamic Residences (The Hank Hill Update)
Suggestion Description: Adding facilities that make residences more desirable such as a propane tank and a water tank. This could add more realism, a new player job, and more desirability towards certain locations.
Example: Locations with propane tanks and running water have the ability to refill propane tanks and water jug.
This change could potentially add a propane truck job where an attendant refills propane tanks or collects empty propane tanks and exchanges them.
Additionally propane could be stolen and sold. (maybe makes a loud hissing noise when stealing propane. and only from locations that have it.)
Alternatively, a propane tank and a water tank could be added as an upgrade for a house or business.

Why should this be added?:
- When every other function is mostly realistic, it feels silly to have to run or drive to a location to fill water, especially when operating at a high level or have an established business. Also it feels silly to buy a new propane tank every time when I see places like the farm that have propane tanks attached to them, but they go unused. Add a bit of criminality to the propane industry.

What negatives could this have?:
- Potential balance issues with players staying in their homes. Could easily be fixed by making the propane company refill your tank, and by charging players a water bill.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: RIGHT NOW THE EASIEST WAY TO GET EITHER PROPANE OR WATER JUGS, IS TO THROW THE EMPTIES ON THE FLOOR AND ORDER NEW ONES FOR DELIVERY, THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE, MAKE PLAYERS CALL THE PROPANE COMPANY FOR REFILLS AND GO TO THE SINK FOR WATER. Having to run halfway across the universe to find water when you have sinks, bath tubs, showers, and faucets built into houses.
Would also make propane tanks reusable. Finally, this would give the players a new job. More player interaction.
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Propane tanks on buildings that charge per usage every X minutes at a higher rate than using cans would be a great idea. Its less return on investment but higher convinence. As for the water, I think that would be a great idea especially if we can fill water bottles to drink sometime so we can live in our homes for rp without running out for water.

That being said the stealing tanks and truck job is feature creep in my opinion and should be ignored for now. You gotta start simple with suggestions to get them to add anything and then slowly make it more complex over time.
It'd make more sense for the propane to be done at gas stations.

As for water tanks, I dont see much of an issue with a water tank refill station, as long as it takes a considerably longer time than filling it at a lake does.

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