El Fatto's Cartel is an enforcer gang of the Mexican organization known as the Cartel De Golfo. The group was led by the lord Pancho El-Fatto and is responsible for a number of acts and for providing armed security services to various companies. The gang operates in the capital city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, and Paralake City.

El Fatto: Lord of "El Fatto's Cartel" (Best to give him gifts or kiss his hand to show respect)
Capitanes: Responsible for appointing territorial leaders, making alliances.
Lugartenientes: Responsible for supervising the and falcons within their own territory.
Sicarios: Personal vacationists.
Halcones: Keeps an eye out on the streets for any talk.
We usually end up buying bazaar shops and renting it to people.
We also do protection for houses or businesses.
Other profits are undisclosed.
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