This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 41 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.
Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.
How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
- Due to the Fact that it is one of the Most entertaining Legal Job in the City and was a main reason why i am around in the City as much as i am,I didnt give it a Full 10 as some people would find the Test and the rank system either too Hard to understand or Too Time consuming to Gain Ranks
- its pretty good overall and i do quite enjoy going on duty most days so yeah
- It's not really something that needs recommending.
- I think the PLPD is great for new players getting started on the server
- I feel as a lot of police are very helpful with informing new players but I do tend to see a lot of new players harassed for not knowing certain things, that maybe a new player wouldn't know
Most responses say they would recommend joining to new players, some saying that there is no need to recommend it as it is already a core feature of the server.
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
- When I used to hold a high rank, I made sure people felt valued for their work. Even though, I was quite often overly sarcastic, I made sure that I handed out more praise than verbal reprimands. At the moment, it feels like a large proportion of the supervisors think only their fun matters and often exclude officers from participating.
- It is incredibly difficult to progress as NOBODY has been able to do an observation report for me in weeks. I have played since 2015, i know that i'm capable of becoming a supervisor and taking on additional roles like TFU or traffic but i just cannot because i'll get denied for not having observation reports. This gives the feeling i cannot progress because 'system or rules say no', and i do not get any recognition for the roleplay i do in game.
- I received an OR which surprised me, as it was quite positive and in-depth. I will however note that it's rare to see other colleagues get formal praise for their performance, outside of ORs. (Mostly due to the fast pace of the game)
- Don't feel like i gain much Recognision for the amount of Time i spend on PD,(67hours)i get that i am only a Patrol officer and are not specialized in any area,The only praise i believe i have been given is from [REDACTED],when we where doing an OR and performing Routine Traffic stops.Other then that i do not Remeber Being given any sort of Praise or Recognision
Most responses say they arent getting any recognition for their work, unless its in observation reports.
I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
- The resources are available, but they are confusing to navigate and often contradictory. I wish for a search function for policies, so you don't have to find the specific division.
- The PLPD has almost a library of policies and guides, which to a certain amount almost becomes overwhelming to a new player. But if one is genuinely interested in improving their skills within the job, the material is there to be used.
- i feel like there should be more videos explaining basic stuff to new officers, reading policies and handbook doesnt feel appealing
- policies, handbook and everything seem pretty good tbh and ive been able to learn a lot from them
Alot of responses say that there is sufficient materials for them to do their job well, with some saying that policy is hard to find. This is something we are currently working on.
Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
- From what I've seen not really, but I have met some REALLY good SGT+ that are SUPER helpful and really wanted me to keep playing cop
- I've noted a lack of higher-ranking personnel on duty for the last couple of weeks. It has since been improved a bit. About them offering support, I personally don't believe they have the time to really get into the details of many situations where they would be useful, as to provide feedback or rule on a complicated investigation. I'm always wary to call one as they're very, very busy.
- Apart from receiving ORs (which is a long time ago), getting warrants made and rarely getting supervisor requests answered, I haven't felt the need to ask for help from supervisors.
- Supervisors are barely on, leaving it to Corporals to lead a whole group of 20 Officers/SO's. When Supervisors are on, they do a good job, but there's often only one or two on if there is any at all.
The response indicates that supervisors are either not online, or when they are, they are very busy and often hard to reach. However, when someone is able to get in touch with a supervisor it usually is a useful and productive meeting.
Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
- I have the feeling, that there are enough ways to ask for help if needed.
- Yes and No. Yes in that the help desk is fast and good at their job, but no in that getting help past the desk can be iffy and slow. It isn't a problem usually just not high ranked
- I am not sure if this means the website or in game. I will go for in game, the whole department shows up to back me up when I have a problem.
- usually if i have an issue i would speak to a supervisor in game but if that doesnt work i would probably contact human resources, the head of my divison or the chiefs if those both fail
Most responses mentioned the helpdesk, saying its fast on responses and has good replies. A few responses say its hard to get help when ingame and on duty.
Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
- Yes and no. As far as Garry's Mod is concerned, this is probably by far the most organized Police Department in the entire game. However, PLPD still lacks organization and power when it comes to fighting heavily armed criminals and often it leads to 50 % chances whether the PLPD wins in those shootouts or not.
- Due to just the General Reputation of Being a Active Police Officer,you often Don't get commended for your work as a PLPD Member,i often recieve Verbal Abuse from Sweaters and People being generally Irratating Even when i haven't done wrong to them.
- I love it, I want to exceed and progress in the career. Which is why from an officer I am giving so much feedback from the "new guy" perspective.
- I feel like the policies i read and all things make me a proud person, who knows what he does
- I'm still an officer, and don't have any responsibilities other than doing a good job when on patrol. I believe the current PD is welcoming, but feel a bit of a disconnect with command and leadership.
Alot of people responded that they are proud to be in the PD, some saying their time on duty is full of verbal abuse.
My opinions seem to count.
- The help desk made me feel welcomed. However in the shout box, I had one individual who didn't see my quick brief opinion without knowledge that I did in fact contact help desk.
- I feel like its a bit of an echo camber at the higher ranks and if you have an opinion that disagrees with their's then your opinion does not matter. I feel like some of the more higher ranking officers should really try and make an effort to listen to people who actually play cop and enjoy what it entails rather than just talking/ listening to what there fellow high ranking friends have to say who seem to only join as police a few times a month.
- Honestly probably going to remain the same, nothing really changes by the looks of it. I really been requesting things from before. Honestly I would bring in a lot more hands on training if I could, if it was up to me.
- Announcement threads are often locked (See the taser whitelist announcement) and changes like these are never discussed within the community. Why?
The response seems to show a distaste to the current way that major decisions are handled, and would prefer that instead of being mainly discussed with members of the PLPD Command Teams, they should be brought to the community to some extent.
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
- I can't point to a single thing, but I often encounter very funny and interesting situations and people while processing people and investigating at PD. I've also met very nice people on duty.
- Having worked on myself a lot I have finally been able to show good leadership which has led me to reach my personal goals.
- Passing TFU and officer of the month
- Getting promoted to SO, Meeting some really awesome players, and Getting better at shooting through the PLPD
- Doing OR's with Supervisors,As it feels like it is Nice to know how to Improve as a Police officer,and all of the Supervisors are Nice and Like to Conversate even if Nothing on patrol is able to be Recorded.
Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
- Coworkers for sure, slim to none do supervisors comment on my work. They just do their thing and move on to the next. But if I did do anything wrong they do point that out. So I guess if they don't say anything, they think I'm doing a good job.
- Most days, I feel like my performance went unnoticed by anyone else other than my unit partner. I don't receive any feedback (nor, to be honest, ask for it specifically). This could be due to the fast-paced nature of PERP.
- Whenever an OR is given to me i feel like Feedback is Given depending on what i did during that Patrol,for example if i was to do a OR at 6pm (18:00) BST on a Weekend Night,there would Probably be more Places for me to Work on then if i did one at 12Pm BST,This might be due to my Lack in Gunskill and me wanting to be involved in More Traffic Related incidents then Shootouts,as Shootouts always seem too chaotic for Patrol officers to Effectivly Deal with.
- Unless I harass for an OR or I do something exceptionally negative there is no feedback from anyone.
Same responses as previous questions, saying not much feedback is given unless in an OR, which can also be hard to get if in a non-EU timezone.
If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
- More communication and transparency between department command members and their officers, and more senior units on duty at any given time.
- Nothing that i can think of. I am happy with the way the PD works atm
- Make TFU accessible to more people
- I would change the way you progress
Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
- I personally think the shotgun policy should be removed.
- Uphold radio policy involving screaming more please.
- None of your business.