This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 33 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.
Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.
We had a wide range of ranks submit responses, with this quarter being the first time a Civilian has submitted a response.
How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
- It is a nice experience to roleplay, the reason i dont give a 10 is it can be intense to new players when encountering players being rude
- For new players, the PLPD is an opportunity to improve their roleplay skills, provided they took the time to read the handbook. However, I think that very new officers often have problems during their very first patrols due to a lack of basic training
- The command structure does an amazing job keeping the officers in line. Making sure the mingy and corrupt officers are no longer in the department, The duty being a police officer is amazing
- PLPD is an amazing place to be and has amazing people on it that love to help the new people, I have seen amazing officers teaching the ropes to the new rookies in town and has been amazing. One officer I saw doing this was [REDACTED], he is always looking to the new officers in the police force to help them out.
- I enjoy everything about PLPD and how far it has developed over the many many years that I've been here. PLPD is robust and is lead with strong leadership and there are opportunities to improve.
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
- rarely see people get praised either way, only if they ask for OR
- This is something we are actively looking to improve. One scheme which is already in place is the increased usage of awards on PLPD.online as some may have recently noticed. For right now, if anyone believes someone is deserving of recognition, please get in contact with DCoD John Davids so that they may be considered for an award. An easier way of nominating people will come in the future, along with other schemes to praise officers.
- Little to no recognition is really given to people the only people who have given me any sort of praise has been [REDACTED] and [REDACTED]
- I've been noticed before and given recognition, I feel the PLPD is good at doing that.
- Verbally by some commands members yes.
I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
- Everything is extremely well written, though navigating through the guides to find a particular policy feels a bit like a labyrinth.
- One of the tasks that the Policy Board is currently undertaking is to simplify the process of locating policies along with removing obsolete ones.
- There is all the resources on plpd that I would need to perform my duties to a good standard
- Overall alright, could use some more learning recourses for new supervisors
- If any supervisor (or officer for that matter) feels like they are lacking instruction on any part of their job, I would recommend getting in touch with your primary command team (Patrol or Traffic) via the PLPD.online helpdesk. This way you can receive advice from experienced supervisors and help us identify areas which need to be better explained.
- Yes however when applying for corporal stage 1 it would be helpful to know where to look speciifically in the hand book. and maby a TFU stage 2 traning video
- Some could to with renewing and better explanation, such as informing Corporals to be aware of the supervisor policies.
- The Corporal application already tests applicants on relevant policy knowledge. If you feel like any particular Corporal is lacking in knowledge, please contact your own or their own primary command team.
Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
- The PLPD supervisors are always welcome to help in the scenarios that happen.
- They can lead me to the right resources.
- A lot of the time supervisor's just aren't available, and people to place warrants are not either. I do not understand why CPL's, a rank with I assume a good amount of trust, cannot place them as they are around more often then ranks higher then them are, and they interact with lower ranks more than the higher ranks as well in my opinion.
- Regarding the availability of supervisors on duty, a targeted survey will soon be released so we can identify the if and why supervisors don’t feel like coming on duty.
- Most of them are wonderful to work side by side with.
- Yes the supervisors are very helpful.
Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
- The Helpdesk functions fantastically.
- Yes when looking at TFU I spoke to other applicants and on duty TFU for advice.
- Looks like HR is responsive, and people usually reply to chatbox and forum questions quickly. In-game, however, I feel like we can't usually take a break to ask complex questions.
- While on duty, sometimes there can be quite a lot of work and incidents to go to, leaving supervisors unable to answer every query. For this reason, if you are having trouble getting an answer to a question, it is recommended that you make a helpdesk ticket to your primary command team or Human Resources.
- Helpdesk/all departments does an amazing job getting niche needs fixed for me, though sometimes can feel sluggish.
- Help desk are extremely quick and get responded too quickly and most issues I've had,have been solved within a day or too.
Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
- 100% I joined traffic this year and plan to rank up and join TFU when applications reopen
- The PLPD has exceeded all my expectations I had the moment I joined. It's well organized, offers plenty of opportunities, and keeps improving.
- I like to serve the PLPD as it is, and proud of what I have achieved inside of it.
- I enjoy the PLPD, sure, it has issues, but they can be addressed as i'm putting in the form.
- Felt like I have been portrayed in a negative light since December,but during my Duties I feel proud to be seen by some as an officer you can have fun with.
My opinions seem to count.
- Sure, I feel listened too, though when presenting an idea many who oppose it seem to just wanna call me stupid and shoot it down instead of explaining /why/ that idea may not be good, often leaving me a little discouraged. Though, I have one time presented an idea to the Chiefs about allowing the SawedOff Remington alongside the standard, and I was given in-depth detail about why it specifically wasn't suitable for PLPD use. This was before the policy change affecting the carry of the R870.
- Sometimes it feels as though people listen, other times it doesn't, it depends on who's listening.
- Try the other way around and I will create a ticket to Office of Chiefs.
- I did a suggestion for the PLPD several times but most of the time they think it is not necessery enough to implement
- Unfortunately, the developers do not have unlimited time to implement every feature; don’t forget that they are volunteering their time and expertise and so have to prioritse features to implement. That being said, with the addition of new developers recently, we will be going through the PLPD Ideas & Suggestions forum soon.
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
- Became TFU, it adds alot more of being a police officer not only because of the shootouts but also how you play
- Being given the chance to be promoted into the command team
- Making my way to Corporal and hope to become Sergeant very soon.
- I guess overall progression, both in rank as well as my PLPD skills.
- I was doing a drug bust and managed to assist my co-workers in locating and getting the suspects
- There was NO opportunities, somebody needs to die or resign idk.
Most days I receive feedback from my Supervisors and coworkers about my performance.
- Only time i recieved feedback is when i did something wrong
- This point has been addressed above.
- Not most days, but I feel like lately people have been praising others more (compared to the previous survey)
- dont need it, already too good
- Yes, when patrolling with command members, they seem to notice my indepth law knowledge, or tactics used in the field, and give great feedback via ObsReports.
If you had a magic wand, what's the one thing you would change about PLPD?
- Sergeants should get M4s or more than just a shotgun for when there are no TFOs.
- If Sergeants wish to have access to more primary weaponry, they should apply to become TFOs so they receive the necessary training and have to follow the additional policies that comes with the responsibility of having access to more tools and weaponry.
- Haydens hairline
- Sadly we are unable to requisition the necessary funds.
- I would love to see more command staff on duty, however i do understand that they have a lot of other work
- Firstly I would love seeing more command members on duty, currently I see only few of them regurarly, and most of them not at all.
- This is something being addressed already. Specifically, SMT is tracking the activity of all officers ranked Staff Sergeant and above to make sure their activity is adequate, issuing punishments if not. Currently all command members (except those in Development Services) are currently required to be on duty for at least 4 hours per calendar month.
- Lowering the warrant requirements to CPL.
- This is something that has been suggested and denied already.
Is there anything else on your mind which you'd like to tell us?
- Plain clothes supervisors when?
- This is unfortunately an unrealistic idea and will cause many more problems that it will solve.
- I would like there to be some form of officer union.