This quarter's Employee Satisfaction Survey is now closed, a total of 41 responses were submitted and gave us a wide range of opinions and feedback. We would like to thank everyone who submitted a response for taking the time to do so, here are some of the feedback given to us and our thoughts about them.
Names may have been removed, but responses have not been edited in any other way. Spelling and grammar is exactly the same as how responses have been submitted.
Some additional commentary has been added by the Deputy Chief of Department to some responses. All pieces of feedback have been reviewed and made available to the command teams.
How likely are you to recommend joining PLPD to a friend or new player?
- I think you should have a little bit of experience in game before going to the police department, since most of the time, it requires you to know certain information pertaining to the game
- I have already recommended many times to several friends and new players to join the great police department of Paralake, i just think its great to be a police officer and that's why i recommended it.
- Very well organised and professional gmod police department that's easy to join and advance in.
- "The PD is about who you know, not how you are an an officer.
- This is evidenced by the number of ex traffic command in the upper command teams. You can also see who’s friends by looking at Teamspeak channels and who is sitting in calls with who."
- Being PD is fun but crim is still as fun, so I would say try both and make up what they think.
- If it's a player that is already playing the server not signed up, then yes. I mostly only see benefits from joining the force.
- I met much of cool people and in total you just have fun all the time
- It requires quite a lot of game knowledge in terms of laws, policies and just the standard behaviours of players which is often times than not more stressful to deal with when you are learning about it rather than when you know about it.
- Currently the entire Department is going to shit to say it roughly,
- Because it's super fun and interesting. I would give it a 10/10 if the city wasn't chaos all the time, and there was some sense of realism to it.
- Its a great way to learn how the city works etc.
- There are a lot of powerhungry higherups that block basic officers from a lot, they ruin the fun in some situations
- If it is a friend i would tell them its worth joining. if its a newplayer i would tell them to learn most things about PD before causing any IA issues.
- it can be fun. but its not for everyone. personally, it gets too stressful sometimes so i just cant deal with any situations and go off duty after less than an hour. also one of the big reasons i resigned from corporal
- "I love the Police scene it's always been my favorite thing to do so it's fun to do on the server as well"
- I feel like it's gone down hill. Could do with more friendly faces and welcoming people
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
- Not really as of being on duty work but i did receive praise for my traffic applications as i am a traffic trainer, i haven't been on duty for a bit now.
- I have not been playing much the past 7 days so I can't answer the question.
- Aside from observation reports and the officer of the month, lower ranked officers are rarely considered for any kind of recognition. Meanwhile command members hand out medals to each other left, right and centre.
- It is true that recognition and feedback for lower ranked officers and feedback is primarily done through ORs and the Officer of the Month award. I have tried to solicit recommendations from officers as mentioned in prior ESSs although I haven’t received a single one. We will look at further ways to give praise and recognition to lower ranked officers.
- You only receive recognition if you’re friends with command.
- Recently I got 3 ors without doing or with someone.
- Normaly I would have answered the around 5 as I usually only play at night time where the cop count is low, however this has seemed to changed as there seem to be more active corporal + playing in the morning and they are usually eager to hand out credit when it's due.
- We're supposed to get recognition or praise? :0
- many officers tell me "good job" and lastly I was doing OR and the officer told me that I did everything perfect
- "Yes, I have however I will rank this a 3 cause it still happens way to little.
- I praise Ben Muller for doing this a lot which is really appreciated not just towards me but towards all PD involved in that situation, I also try to do it myself after successfully dealing with a situation. However in most cases there is hardly any communication after a situation is code 4, to say the least most of the time the code 4 is not given until an unnecessary amount of PD still responds to the call even though its been clear for the last 2 or 3 minutes"
- I mostly work alone, but I feel like i get praised for my work in general.
- Only an observation report, from a patrol together
- because supervisors only do patrols a supervisor calls and never pay attention, people have to ask
- everyone in it are just attention seekers imo, if you do something someone else will try credit themselves for it, other times people just value their own expereicences and shit for themselves, like a few days ago I was in a situation and I had some higher rank than me just scream at me to move since they had changed their mind
- I think Pedro is the only person that wrote in my OR "keep it up" i have told everyone good work or good shit when talking about a situation. just got some congrats from LT Gzregroz Duda for passing stage 2 cpl.
- Unpaid slave for patrol command whos inactive even though I'm the most active SSGT
I have the materials such as guides, policies and procedures to do my job well.
- I absolutely do, all the handbooks and division resources are great for me to know how i need to peform my police work properly.
- Resources and documentation are excellent apart from dispatch.
- They’re all good resources.
- The material is there, however it can be hard to find, and you spend more time browsing the different departments policies to find the policy you are looking for.
- This is something we are looking to improve upon with the new PLPD website. For now, if you are struggling to find something, please make a helpdesk ticket towards HR.
- I have resources on PLPD site
- Think resource navigation could be a lot better - currently can take longer than necessary to find the right resource with the needed information.
- the menus are a little confusing
- A little start up guide with some example situations for the most common scenes new officers would run into would be required. This to help new officers being ready for the field work. A quick read document with situations such as shootouts (where they're told to setup a perimeter as a pistol cop), Hostage situations where they are required to stand back, Car chases, to just name a few.
- There is already a guide on help.perpheads.com which would fit this purpose. We will look to see if this needs updating and will promote it more.
- I don't feel like i lack anything
- Yeah theres enough information everywhere
- Because they are all detailed
- I still think policies are written so out of the way you literally have to search for 10 minutes to find something
- The materials are pretty good
- I always have acces to the handbook and whenever i have a question towards someone of the PLPD they are always there for me
- handbooks have basically all the info anyone needs, but sometimes there's something specific that isnt listed explicitely in the handbooks, then there is always someone willing to help, either through the helpdesk or the shoutbox, perp discord server etc...
- Simple, Helpful guides and PLPD website
- Absolutely. Everything I need is in the handbooks BUT. Stuff like traffic stuff and TFU's need more info.
- Messy organization, all over the place
Supervisors provide me with the support I need to complete my work.
- Again, i haven't been so active so its a 50/50 as i did get support for a few of my traffic road unit applications.
- I notice that supervisors generally don't give guidance to new players unless requested to prior.
- The PD lacks active supervisors and the ones who do play are too overwhelmed with supervisor calls and requests for patrols to meet demand.
- Supervisors rarely know policy or law unless they’re experienced. There is also barley any supervisors as they have all been demoted due to activity requirements.
- A lot of times they are busy
- When you have a supervisor available they are deffinetly there to support you.
- they just help me
- john always helps
- Whenever they are on duty, sure but I feel like their presence can be lacking at times, or often times just deny to assist in supervisor sits and etc.
- theyre almost always busy or not answering when asked for, at least when im on duty
- Currently its a hit or miss with the supervisors as stated earlier that half of the supervisors break policies themselves whenever they feel like it knowing that they wont receive punishment for it or only a minor punishment.
- Fuck no, many of the supervisors respond after 40 minutes, to a supervisor call - usually i have to talk the people out from it, to not waste time, and i just give them small sentence
- Yes and no, most of the time they dont give a fuck, they have gotten lazy recently
- na not really. alot of them are just arrogant
- most of them except a few are on their high horses
- All the supervisors I dealt with are assholes
- All the time they help me when i need it
- Neutral - Didn't interact with supervisors as much so no comment
- I dunno. I haven't spoken to any supervisors recently so
Help is available from the PLPD when I have a problem.
- Always had a satisfied answer when filled in a helpdesk form.
- It's always available, i have never even once experienced not getting help.
- Helpdesk tickets are very useful but they generally take a while to be responded too.
- Helpdesk is a great feature and is well staffed.
- Message the chiefs and you will not receive a reply.
- sometimes officers doesn't give a shit but sometimes they help me
- dont need help much but when i do theres an answer so
- This can always be done through the helpdesk so this is a 10/10
- It usually takes time.
- Not while on duty. I often experience being alone with up towards 3 handcuffed suspects with no other officer responding to help.
- most of the time whenever i ask for help in plpd no body answers, i need to rely on the /help feature
- The Chiefs of Department regularly monitor the helpdesk to ensure tickets are being answered. If you’re unsatisfied with an answer, or it is taking too long, please let us know.
- I think most division heads give good support when u have questions or problems
- People help me pretty often
- When cops are available and I call for backup they definitely help
- Good place but there's often a chance nobody listens
Are you proud to be a member of the PLPD?
- I am more proud than i could ever be! I love being a police officer, it's my passion.
- I feel demonised for playing cop, so many players shit on PD mains for enjoying a different part of the server.
- I'm proud of it cause I met lot of cool peoples
- I don't feel particular pride about it, just enjoy playing that side.
- I used to be a proud member however with the recent changes happening I've lost most of my interest and thought about resigning on multiple occasions.
- bit embarrassing as the reputation of plpd is a bit weird
- I am very proud to be part of the PLPD as this is one of the most fun things to do at my age and time.
- I love being a Police Officer in general.
- Been a member for a while and the plpd has helped me overcome a few fears in the past and learn to be better
My opinions seem to count.
- It absolutely does so, several times when speaking with sergeants about a few incidents they always listen to my opinion.
- "You never get a response from the chiefs, simply their “HR department”.
- It is not feasible for the Chiefs to reply to every request that comes into the helpdesk. Most queries can be handled by command teams or HR, leaving the Chiefs to respond to the messages which actually require their attention.
- They surely can’t be so busy as to not reply to questions you ask them as they’re certainly not being active ingame."
- The Chiefs are in fact active in game.
- I believe when I've raised my opinions in the past they have been taken into consideration.
- Now i am at a decision making level yes, redone the handbook, training process and semi-anual reviews since being made an LT so I would say so. Maybe not in the grand scheme of the PLPD but within my corner yes.
- Not really, If you're a high rank member (SGT+) or a "staff member" it seems that most policies do not apply for them, Therefore whatever Is stated by lower ranked officers is just wiped of the table and ignored.
- cuz my opinion counts, many ppl feel the same way
- low rank, no say
- they tend to listen well but fuck 10 minute NLR its garbage on a full server
- We do not control the NLR timer for officers. If you want this changed, make a suggestion on the forums.
- I think the only time my opinions count is when I am a first responder on a scene and know the only information about the situation. This and in ORs. usually.
- Never really gave my opinion to feel like it counts so NEUTRAL.
- Ain't nobody listening
- nothing ever happens
What’s the best thing that has happened to you in the PLPD these past 3 months?
- Became a sergeant and the responsibilities going with the rank.
- I was promoted to Senior Officer, retook my Road Traffic Unit role and became a road traffic trainer recently, it's the very best that happened and i hope soon for a promotion to Corporal.
- getting sgt
- I've recieved Officer of the Month
- Getting corporal
- Well, joining PLPD, getting taser, getting SO, getting dispatch and doing more!
- To me it's simple, I took a long break from PD, and when I returned I felt very welcomed. I got the support I needed to get back into shape as a good-standing officer. I genuinely had a lot of fun coming back, and getting to know the new faces that started in the force.
- Now I don't know why i took that break to begin with, as returning have been alot of fun.
- Being made LT
- I ranked up to SO
- Promotion
- senior officer
- That i got promoted to senior officer
- Seeing some of my old friends progress up, even a guy i met as a sweater - helped him out with the server, and now hes a tfu i think, or an rtu
- Becoming a member of the road traffic unit
- Helping new officers teaching them the ropes
- I managed to get 3 exceptional observation reports within a week. One of which was given without my asking for it.
- getting in plpd
- passing stage 2 cpl
- Good memories with other officers. everyone is always very kind and try to help when they can
- Someone telling me I'm doing great.