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IKEA - Northern Europe
i'd like to recommend Ermak for his work in the PLPD, he is a very active person in the community who often offers to help new players in their first couple of days, hes also very professional Both ICly and OOCly and has improved his behaviour a lot.

Sadly people Ermak was demoted today, and got pretty upset about it so please, put down some nice lines for him guys to cheer him up.
I completely agree on everything you have said, Just sad that he was demoted. He was an amazing cop and very mature for his age.
When @ErmakDimon told me what happened I just could not believe it. Despite his age ermak is very mature and inventive its only members of the PLPD that let him down. Ermak made one mistake and he was removed from the police force only because he listened to officers who have no idea what they were talking about nor did they care what would happen.

Ermak should be given a second chance and if you don't think he is capable then do a supervised patrol.

Also whoever thinks its a good idea to tell officers to gun point trespassers on a crime scene and tell other officers clearly needs a test on their laws. I find it sickening and offensive that a force I have worked so long with could do this find those responsible and demote them instead.
Ermak is always getting bashed on and some people may say that it's his own fault. That isn't always the case. Apparently it has become a "trend" to hate on Ermak and everything he does. Something I don't understand.

Ermak is an excellent officer and he is always trying his very best to prove that he can do his job but it is hard to do your job when you constantly get targeted by everyone.

Ermak is a great guy and he's a better officer than even some corporals I've seen. Just cut him some slack. For such a young person, he's done an exceptional job. Good luck in your dispute ermak.
Personally, I see Ermak as a great community member that contributes a lot to this community. I see him aspiring to be a great member of the Police Department and really do hope the best for him. As a young member of the community for all the shit he gets, to me it just shows the strength of his character.
Personally i think Ermak for his age is very mature, i don't understand why people within the community target him so much.
I think ermak has the potential to become an exceptional officer, perhaps even a supervisor or command team member. It's a shame he was dismissed the way he was, and goes to show how the systems in place to combat officer abuse of power and breaches of conduct are flawed. If you were to ask me to name one person in the police department with the most amount of stifled and unharnessed potential, I would probably have said ermak.

Let's be honest here, ermak certainly has a meme status within the community, especially on the forums, with regards to some of the (not always terribly well thought out) posts and videos he makes. This, in addition to where he's from, and his age being on the younger side has caused people to be rather unkind towards ermak, and not treating him equal to themselves or others, which is rather unfair in my opinion.

Ermak used to be a Corporal in the PLPD, since its inception I believe, correct me if I'm wrong @ErmakDimon and from what I've seen, he's always strived to do his job well, he's hard-working, motivated, and always tried to do his very best when it came to his duties. Following a demotion to Senior Officer, of which I am unaware of the exact reasoning behind, he never stopped trying his hardest. However due to the aforementioned points, few people would attempt to teach and train him, and if approached directly by him with a question or concern, they would either shrug him off, or give unhelpful or incomplete answers/advice.

This demotion is of no failure of Ermak. This is a failure of the PD as a whole, and we're all responsible, for not being bothered enough to try and train him properly, giving stupid troll answers, and avoiding him as a whole.

I call upon the professional standards team, and whatever the fuck replaced the police board to re-evaluate their decision, and to allow Ermak to learn from people who can be bothered.

@Samuel @Daigestive @Adrish
Thanks everyone for the warm words, this actually gave me tears of joy.

No matter if you actually like me or wrote this just to make me feel better it still shows that under a shell of banter and disrespect, we are still a very mature community.
And i can't really see why anybody would be kicked out of the PD when they clearly WANT and HAVE the potential to improve.

Neither do I, I'd hate that to happen. However we have to consider a discharge from service if an employee simply is not improving even after remedial training and disciplinary action. Luckily we very rarely have to discharge employees (apart from inactive employees) as long as the employee in question is generally a good person, they will always be let back in after applying.

It's a shame you cut out what I said :(


As already mentioned, hope to see you applying to join back!
Im Sorry Emrak see it this way i never passed stage 2 :/

anyways good luck becoming a really really high rank in the PD
So I'm now back in the PD as a probationary. Thanks for the support everyone!