Do you suck at driving? Yes, You do.
Ermak's Driving School is just for you.
Hi. I'm Ermak. Founder and owner of Ermak's Driving School. My destiny is to teach citizens of paralake how to drive.
For this purpose I've purchased the Scrapyard and refurbished it into a driving course and purchased a brand new Chevy Spark.
My course consists of:
Theory on PLC Penal code section 12, basic driving tips
Basic driving course with excersises: Hill, Obstacles and Slalom.
Everything costs $1000 per person.
Drive up the hill, stop at the top, turn the engine off, set the parking brake, turn the engine on, release parking brake and go.
Drive around 2 barrier obstacles.
Drive between a line of cones.
Call us at 555-ERMK-SHIT-DRVR or find as at the Scrapyard.
See you on the road!