Rules in More Depth

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England, West Midlands
Recently, i have noticed some people getting mixed up with a few rules and what you can and not do with them, therefore i have spent my time going through every rule and writing a couple of paragraphs for each one explain it and giving some examples. This is not finished and i will be finishing this off and adding more things to it.

Basic conduct rules:

Rule 1.1- Disrespectful Behavior

Rule 1.1 means that players are meant to conduct themselves respectfully at all times, meaning by saying something offensive to another player either in [looc] chat, [ooc] that or to a group of people is not acceptable. Players are meant to show respect to other players, if this rule is broken it shows players and staff that you can be a disrespectful player at sometimes and will give a bad impression on you.

Rule 1.2- Discrimination

Rule 1.2 is quite self-explanatory, it basically means any forms of discrimination is strictly not allowed. Discrimination is action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice. This includes treatment of an individual or group based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated".

Rule 1.3- Slander

This rule states that accusations should not be made unless it can be proven. The only time someone can accuse people is within the ban request section. When making an accusation towards a member of staff, it’s recommended that you speak to a higher member of staff.

Rule 1.4- Causing Problems

Rule 1.4 is broken often, but a lot do not notice it. Rule 1.4 can be broken when players decided to argue in OOC chat what’s causing problems for staff and members of the community playing on the server. Another way that this can be broken is if someone is constantly breaking rule 3.24 which then causes problems within the roleplay- This could mean that the roleplay has been stopped due to someone breaking several rules.

General Conduct Rules

Rule 2.1- Play Realistically
This rule can cover a lot of subjects, so it’s hard to pick out specific things. This gamemode is to emulate real life which means players are meant to take this seriously and to role play realistically at all times. However as several different scenarios could happen it’s up to the administrator to decide if the situation at hand was played unrealistically or was unrealistic overall. As life is not in ‘black and white’ there is potential for some scenarios to take place, however it’s up to the administrator present to decide. If you believe the judgement of the administrator was wrong, you can contact the senior administrator team or discuss the incident freely on the forum.

Rule 2.2- Voice Chat
When using a microphone it should only be used for verbal conversations and nothing else, if the microphone is bad quality then it should cease its use.

Rule 2.3- Bugs and Glitches
Rule 2.3 means, When a player has been in-contact with a bug or glitch it should be reported to staff immediately as it can be fixed accordingly, however players must not use bugs or glitches to their use, if so it will result in immediate punishment as it has been used readily against another player. If another player is seen to be using a bug or a glitch to their advantage, the player is required to report it instantly, if not rule 2.6 has been broken.

Rule 2.4- Exchanging in-game money funds for real life funds
The process of buying in-game funds from a player is strictly not allowed, this means that players should earn the money from events, jobs or another form of working. The buying of VIP is excluded.

Rule 2.5- Excessive Negativity
Rule 2.5 means Players are not allowed to excessively affect other player’s experiences on the server. Meaning if a player was to set fire to a store for reasons what are not valid it would disrupt the players experiences on the server. If this does happen, contact an administrator.

General In-Character Rules

Rule 3.1- in character names
You must ensure that you keep in character names away from famous people and realistic names. If an administrator believes that your name is not appropriate they have the right to change it. Please ensure that you listen to the administrator to avoid arguments.

Rule 3.2- The use of third party communication devices (Known to some by metagaming)
This means that players cannot use teamspeak, skype, steam chat, steam call or any other third party communication devices to mix in character and out of character information. For example if a player said to the fellow player that he is being attacked At city hall, then the other player comes back with the word from teamspeak and helps his friend out this means this rule has been broken. The reason for this rule is because then players cannot gain a huge advantage over other players by contacting each other from devices what are not used by other players. The application ‘teamspeak’ is available in-game for organizations, this is obviously not metagaming.
Metagaming would also class if someone can see drugs though the wall and then decides to conduct a raid or so on the building. Another example would be for someone to see something what has been said in looc or ooc chat then has been used in-game.

Rule 3.3- Realistic actions
Players must act that their player has taken damage, for example from jumping from a building or a high wall then taking no damage would be breaking this rule. You must ensure that you take damage, even if it’s a short jump. Also I have saw a couple of people not act as realistic as they possibly can in combat, this means by jumping or crouching when not conducting it in a realistic fashion is not acceptable.

Rule 3.4- Putting your life at risk
Rule 3.4 basically states that anything you do what is going to put your life at risk is against the rules, unless you have a valid escape plan and you can explain it to the administrator present. Now as far as you rule goes it’s anything what is going to risk imprisonment of the player or the death of the player, meaning if you were to kill an officer over a traffic ticket it is raising your punishment from a $1000 ticket to 10 years in jail. In addition, there are several more ways what would break rule 3.4, for example:
If you were to try to take down the police force without a valid plan of escape.
Killing an officer over such a small offence, like; a ticket, 2 year jail sentence.
These would be some reasons what would result in you breaking rule 3.4, however these are not all. Furthermore, it all depends on the situation at hand and if you have a valid and justifiable plan of escape what you can clearly demonstrate to an administrator- however it’s up to the administrator’s discretion if it was a valid plan or not.
Secondly, the breakage of laws in paralake must be done realistically, meaning that if a player was to kill another player which then resulted in the former player’s death or imprisonment, it will mean that the player has failed and will need to demonstrate or prove that they had a reasonable plan of escape to an administrator.
Lastly, 3.4 can cover many other subjects like if a player was to disregard commands at gunpoint and would risk their life this would result in the rule breakage of this rule. Another classic example would be for someone to use a phone at gunpoint to call the police which would then result in the other players imprisonment, however if the player wasn’t at gunpoint nor tied or gagged this means the player has a reasonable chance of escape or to call the police. If the police then do arrive at scene and it results in the other player’s death and your freedom then that would be a valid reason to do so. Remember that I cannot state everything you can do to break rule 3.4, as it’s not always specific things what would cause the breakage of it. Overall, the rule 3.4 is all about putting your life at risk what would cause the death or/and the imprisonment of your player, there are multiple ways this rule can be broken, however not all can be stated at this moment in time.

Rule 3.5- In character deaths (Otherwise classed as NLR (NEW LIFE RULE))
Rule 3.4 basically states that you cannot come back for 10 minutes after your player’s death, as some people call this NLR (new life rule) the actual term would be rule 3.5 and not nlr. Furthermore, after your player’s death you cannot act upon any previous memories from your last life, this obviously excludes: friends made, government jobs held, properties and cars owned by the player.

Rule 3.6- Stay Alive
This rule means that you must do everything in your power to keep your player alive, THIS could get mixed up with rule 3.4 (putting your life at risk). If you have any questions or quarries with this please contact me or an administrator to double check things.

Rule 3.7- Property Entrances
Basically, all buildings must have 2 entrances, this could be a door, a garage door- at least 2. When making a defense make sure you follow rules 3.8 and 3.9

Rule 3.8- Elaborate Entrances
This is the exclusion of mazes, or anything what causes the player to move a great amount in order to get past.

Rule 3.9- Placing Props
When you place props you must make sure that you place them on owned properties, this means when SWAT place a radio at the Police department- they shouldn’t be as they do not own the building or the area around. When the police place barricaded this does not count.

Rule 3.10- Realistic Prop Placement
All this means is that props must be placed realistically, if props are being slanted it must be held up with a barricade of some sort. There has been a lot of controversy between if you can place a wooden fence standing up with no support, as far as I have heard is that you can do that but you will need to make sure to doesn’t affect the players movement.

Rule 3.11- Leveraging pushing
This means that you cannot use props to push your car at all, if it’s stuck call roadcrew and if it’s bugged then do ‘/report’. This also means you cannot use props to your advantage, for example freezing a prop to stop a car from rolling down the hill.

Rule 3.12- Mayoral assassination
The mayor may only be assassinated if the reason is valid of course. The kill mayor time starts when sales taxes are over 50% and the income tax is above 35%, however this is no reason to kill the mayor. Here are some reasons to why you could kill the mayor, but may not be acceptable in all cases:
-broken promises (Claimed taxes will be low, then they are high)
-Sale taxes are affecting your business to a huge extent.
-Unemployment rate
-Problems within the city.
Keep in mind you will need to speak to the mayor before killing him, try speaking to him about the city and think of ways it can be improved, also think that he is trying his best to pay everyone so by killing him might not be the best idea. If you’re running a business then the sale taxes could quite possibly effect you, however if it’s not that bad then there is no point in assassinating him. If it’s seriously bad and you have lost huge profit and customers over it then a meeting with the mayor may be appropriate. The assassination of the mayor will be looked into by several administrators as this would take several opinions on it. Finally, think about if it’s going to make things better for you and the city, try thinking of these questions before taking actions:

Is it going to make things better for me and the city?

Is he trying to make the city better?

Have you spoke to him in a kind manor and not a threatening manor?

Is the taxes seriously that bad? Could they be worse?

All of the reasons above are not always acceptable, so don’t use them unless it’s in the right situation. Us administrators are strict on the assassination of the mayor, so please ensure it’s a valid reason before conducting it.

Rule 3.13- Selling items
When selling items make sure you do not use misleading names, meaning don’t put the name as something it isn't to persuade people to buy the item. Also this rule means to ensure that you’re selling it on a property owned by you, or you have permission to do so.

Rule 3.14- Prank Calling
This rule basically means you cannot constantly prank call the police claiming misleading calls, as I have saw some people call the police about 20 times within a minute claiming stupid things like his cat has gone missing :/. In addition, prank calls can be made if it's going to distract the police or if it makes your chance of escape larger.

Rule 3.15- Vehicle Damage
I see a lot of people take absolutely no damage to their cars when in police pursuits or a simple crash, you need to act like you have crashed your car in real life. If you’re in a police pursuit and you get rammed and it causes you to crash into a police where the game mechanics does not disable your car for a short time you are expected to turn of the engine to represent that you have had a crash which caused your car to stop. This rule is implemented so people don’t go around driving like their cars will never break when in real life they would. In addition, you shouldn't be driving into walls and building purposely without a valid reason (I have no idea why you would do that lol), if you do that you will need to pretend that your car has took damage and it’s expected to turn your engine off if the game mechanics doesn't. Finally, some people believe that you shouldn't turn your engine off unless the game mechanics does, that’s wrong and players should turn their engine off to help roleplay.

Rule 3.16- AFK
The server has an automatic kicker what kicks players after a period of time (15 minutes).

Rule 3.17- AFK on the job
You're expected to stay on the job without going afk (away from keyboard) as long as you can. As this rule states you must leave the job if you are going to go afk for a long period of time. If you do see someone who is afk on the job make sure to use ‘/report’ to inform an administrator that someone is taking a job.

Rule 3.18- Storage and Trunks
This rule basically states that when you’re in immediate danger you must not use your storage chest or your trunk. For example if someone was raiding you and while in the gun battle you decide to place your gun and anything on you inside the chest this would be unlawfully breaking 3.18. This rule also is in partnership with rule 3.4, when at gun point you are expected not to place anything in storage or a trunk of a car. You should suspect if someone has broken this rule as to the new feature it says ‘**Ash opens the storage chest’, if you believe that someone has broken this rule, report it by using ‘/report’

Rule 3.19- Evading arrest
When you evade arrest you should always try to do it in the most realistic fashion as you can, meaning if several officers are chasing you then you and you have no realistic way of escaping, let’s say they have cars and people on foot after you then you should give up. Secondly, players cannot use the monorail to escape from police if they are in a direct pursuit with them. For example someone is in a car chase, the suspect pulls up at the garage and runs into the monorail- this is not allowed. When evading police keep rule 3.4 and 3.3 in mind, and when in a car make sure you take vehicle damage into account.

Rule 3.20- Police chases
This rule is basically the same as rule 3.15 and 3.19, when an officer has attempted a maneuver on you, you should take in account the damage to your car.

Rule 3.21- Walking on the highway
A lot of people break this rule however it's quite simple to follow, just remember if you want to reach your destination what’s in the suburbs or the business area then take the monorail what is located at the top of the city garage, near the bank. Unless you have a valid reason to cross the highway then it's not acceptable.

Rule 3.22- highway driving (This rule was updated not long ago)
This rule is really short, it claims that you cannot break any traffic laws at the intersection - laws 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.11 must be followed at the intersection at all times, unless you have a valid reason to do so, for example:

-Being chased by the police

-Bleeding out to death and other reasons.

Rule 3.23- Growing areas
This means you cannot place drugs anywhere where you need to jump or crouch to get there, for example placing them in a house where a barricade is blocking the front door, meaning you will need to jump over the barricade to reach the drugs.

Rule 3.24- In and Out of Character
All this rule means is not to mix in and out of character, let’s say I have just saw someone break a rule and I walk up to them shouting ‘you broke 3.3!!’- This would be breaking rule 3.24. Some more ways to break it:

-Shouting RDM when being shot at

-Shouting that people have broken rules

-Shouting ‘I am getting an admin here now’

Rule 3.25- Drug Harvesting
Technically this rule means that if you are being raided or believed to get raided you cannot store or pick up your drugs you’re currently growing. Unless you can pick them up and escape through a back door and get away successfully then you may do that. When law enforcement officers have raided a property and have found drugs inside, they may not confiscate THEM unless the area is proven to be secure, this means everyone is cuffed or has been shot down.

Rule 3.26- /me commands
This whole rule means When players conduct a /me command players are expected to follow them accordingly, however if the player refuses to follow commands and has a disregard for them they may be reported and punished for their actions. The /me commands are used to complete things that the game mechanics can currently not do, for example if someone drags someone out of a car, the person does a /me command saying ‘/me drags the suspect out of the car’ (obviously after they have opened the door), the fellow player is expected to follow that command and get out of the car.

When conducting a /me command it must be done in a realistic fashion, for example if a player did ‘/me ties and gags the man’ that would class as an invalid /me command as the player cannot conduct to actions at the same time. Instead the player would be expected to do ‘/me Ties the man with black duct tape’ and ‘/me gags the man with duck tape’, as this is more realistic. Obviously, the player may must be reasonably close to the player who he is doing the /me commands on.

/ME Commands are only used for actions the game mechanics can currently not do, for example ‘/me dies’ and ‘/me shoots the person’ can always be conducted in the real game mechanics. Players must specify who they are conducting the /me command towards, I would advise checking @Moronpipplydid’s /me guide for more information about this whole rule. When players are going to tie and gag someone they must have a reasonable time between each one, if a bind has been set this means they are not specifying who they are tying and gagging.


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Thank you for clarifying rule 3.22 - See so many people do it still!
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You have way too much spare time on your hands.

Really helps not just new players but also people who need reminding what the rules are with a more descrpitive defintion. Very well made Ash.
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