Ethan Belinsky

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Dinkleberg / Reggie Noble
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ethan / Ethan Belinsky
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55480733

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke rule 3.12. He killed me as a mayor. Beforehand he said NOTHING about taxes being to high. I got killed by him without warning or him suggesting I should change anything about the city. It is clearly stated in the indepth rules (

Keep in mind you will need to speak to the mayor before killing him, try speaking to him about the city and think of ways it can be improved, also think that he is trying his best to pay everyone so by killing him might not be the best idea. If you’re running a business then the sale taxes could quite possibly effect you, however if it’s not that bad then there is no point in assassinating him. If it’s seriously bad and you have lost huge profit and customers over it then a meeting with the mayor may be appropriate.

The only ' feedback' I got was a guy asking if I could lower the taxes because he wanted to buy a car for his family. I told him we were in a recession. After that I got no more messages at all.
A man (Jesse) came in and we were playing some sort of hide and seek with him (which is why me and the secret service were in the library). The SS and me know Jesse from back in perp so we were just fooling around. Then we got to the main hall and my SS told there was a man with a gun outside, that's when everybody got killed. Right before he killed me I tried to charge out of the corner to suckerpunch him (I was dead anyway, people do crazy stuff when they are dead), but it didn't work (I blame the mayor being too old and weak).

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: The 19MB file from tick 10.000 is about where the shooting starts. I posted the other file to show my mayor time and that Ethan has not suggested a change to the city (or warned me about upcoming terror?).
Taxes were 45% or 50%, if they were that high you knew that there would be unhappy people and staff members have told me if they are that high you do not have to warn them anyway.

[Advert] Dear Mayor, I'm kind of broke and i have to buy a car for my family i was just wondering if you could lower taxes?

That was an advert made by someone, so you had been asked reasonably to lower the taxes yet you refused. You said we were in recession and they would not be lowered for a long time.

@Leffe also asked you to lower the taxes I am pretty sure.

The fact is that you got killed for high taxes.
Taxes were 45% or 50%, if they were that high you knew that there would be unhappy people and staff members have told me if they are that high you do not have to warn them anyway.

[Advert] Dear Mayor, I'm kind of broke and i have to buy a car for my family i was just wondering if you could lower taxes?

That was an advert made by someone, so you had been asked reasonably to lower the taxes yet you refused. You said we were in recession and they would not be lowered for a long time.

@Leffe also asked you to lower the taxes I am pretty sure.

The fact is that you got killed for high taxes.

YEah and I repsonded to that advert that I couldn't because of the recession (low city funds). The rules clearly state that you have to be warned / suggested about it and it still has to be a solid reason
Wanting to buy a car for a few less $ is not a good reason to kill someone.

I also promised to lower the taxes as soon as the city funds got up, but didn't even get time to gain some funds.

Edit: about what Niko said that Kill mayor time starts with 50% sales tax and 35% income tax.

Sales were high 50% but to compensate I lowered the income tax to about 15-20. So it couldn't have been kill mayor time
YEah and I repsonded to that advert that I couldn't because of the recession (low city funds). The rules clearly state that you have to be warned / suggested about it and it still has to be a solid reason
Wanting to buy a car for a few less $ is not a good reason to kill someone.

I also promised to lower the taxes as soon as the city funds got up, but didn't even get time to gain some funds.

Edit: about what Niko said that Kill mayor time starts with 50% sales tax and 35% income tax.

Sales were high 50% but to compensate I lowered the income tax to about 15-20. So it couldn't have been kill mayor time

I was not bothered about income tax? I wanted to craft stuff. Also I crafted 3 sakos in the time it took you to gain "some funds".

Also Kill Mayor time is to be ignored I thought. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I was not bothered about income tax? I wanted to craft stuff. Also I crafted 3 sakos in the time it took you to gain "some funds".

Also Kill Mayor time is to be ignored I thought. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I never said you weren't bothered by it so I don't know why you would mention that?

I disagree that that's a good reason
The rule states your business losing a loT of customers because of the taxes Might be a good reaso. Wanting to buy materials for a little bit less really isn't. Besides, i didn't even got a chance to gain some funds and lower the taxes afterwards. This is however for the mods to decide so I'll wait for their response
I never said you weren't bothered by it so I don't know why you would mention that?

I disagree that that's a good reason
The rule states your business losing a loT of customers because of the taxes Might be a good reaso. Wanting to buy materials for a little bit less really isn't. Besides, i didn't even got a chance to gain some funds and lower the taxes afterwards. This is however for the mods to decide so I'll wait for their response

I wanted to buy a shop to sell guns and with 50% sales tax it's hard to do either.
I wanted to buy a shop to sell guns and with 50% sales tax it's hard to do either.
So you didn't even start your business yet. You didn't even try. You didn't even ask if I could lower them so you could start a store and make money. You just decided it would be best to kill me because that sure makes the city a better place.
So you didn't even start your business yet. You didn't even try. You didn't even ask if I could lower them so you could start a store and make money. You just decided it would be best to kill me because that sure makes the city a better place.

Well no, I couldn't afford to buy a shop because 50% taxes. Also you said it was in recession meaning it wouldn't be on lower taxes for a while.
Tbf it looks like that there was no RP whatsoever, making a shitty advert doesn't count. Crap RP should be bannable but hey ho, it isn't.
Regardless, if I was a betting man I'd be willing to bet money on Ethan being banned.
Maybe I should bet on that actually, it's gonna happen sooner or later. Hopefully sooner
I have been killed as Mayor for 50% taxes several times by @Standish with absoulatley no warnings what so ever. I have been told if you have 50% taxes you should expect to be shot.

Also, I have been killed by @Carrot and @Standish for just broadcasting that they were wanted.

So what I am supposed to do is threaten to kill the Mayor to his face with SS around? That would just be stupid and it's against the law. Someone else warned him and he knew there was unhappiness with taxes.
I have been killed as Mayor for 50% taxes several times by @Standish with absoulatley no warnings what so ever. I have been told if you have 50% taxes you should expect to be shot.

Also, I have been killed by @Carrot and @Standish for just broadcasting that they were wanted.

So what I am supposed to do is threaten to kill the Mayor to his face with SS around? That would just be stupid and it's against the law. Someone else warned him and he knew there was unhappiness with taxes.

Asking for lower taxes is not a warning. Just because you got killed for the same reason doesn't mean it isn't against the rules
Asking for lower taxes is not a warning. Just because you got killed for the same reason doesn't mean it isn't against the rules

Something else, you promised that you would lower the taxes after the first advert. But you said we were in a recession and that the taxes would lower after a time. I was starting to craft my first sako at that point, after crafting 2 sakos you still hadn't lowered them. That's a broken promise.
Something else, you promised that you would lower the taxes after the first advert. But you said we were in a recession and that the taxes would lower after a time. I was starting to craft my first sako at that point, after crafting 2 sakos you still hadn't lowered them. That's a broken promise.

Pretty much what Niko said. I never said when I would change the taxes. Besides, you didn't give me any time to live up to that promise.

Another thing I would like to note which might be pretty important in this case is that you keep saying that Leffe (Jesse) asked me to lower the taxes but he never asked me. I don't know why you would make something up when there's a demo that shows he never did..
Realistically Ethan being as retareded as you are you should ask a staff member before you decide to kill the mayor if your reasons are valid then maybe one day you can do it all by your SELF :D
Why are you being sarcastic? I am being polite and all you're doing is being very rude.

And people did ask you to lower the the taxes but due to there being exactley 3 cops and 1 SS and 1 Medic with only 12 players online, yes you weren't spammed with adverts asking you to lower the taxes. There was 1 advert and surely if you have max taxes it's pretty common sense that there is going to be very angry people. Honestly, you had 50% taxes, someone asked you to lower them to feed their family albeit not me but they still asked. You cannot claim you thought that no one was angry about the taxes as they were on 50% and to be frankly honest it isn't a great idea to have that many taxes in the first place.
Why are you being sarcastic? I am being polite and all you're doing is being very rude.

And people did ask you to lower the the taxes but due to there being exactley 3 cops and 1 SS and 1 Medic with only 12 players online, yes you weren't spammed with adverts asking you to lower the taxes. There was 1 advert and surely if you have max taxes it's pretty common sense that there is going to be very angry people. Honestly, you had 50% taxes, someone asked you to lower them to feed their family albeit not me but they still asked. You cannot claim you thought that no one was angry about the taxes as they were on 50% and to be frankly honest it isn't a great idea to have that many taxes in the first place.

You just commented something completely irrelevant so I said it had nothing to do with what I said. I'm not doing it to be rude, don't take it too personal. It's just the way I talk.

I experimented with the taxes all the time. When I started they were at 0% because someone asked for it. This quickly drained the city funds and the working men had to pay for it, which is unfair in my eyes, so I changed it around and chose for higher sales tax and lower salary tax.I kept changing it around quite a bit.
There was 1 guy asking for lower taxes and I said I would lower them when there was more money in the bank.

There were jobs available for everybody, the town was doing alright we just needed some quick money so there were high sale taxes.

You never told me that you wanted to start a store and sell stuff in this high tax time, so I couldn't know that besides one person wanting to buy a car more people wanted the lower taxes. Since most citizens were working at the time I figured this was the best option. Then you decided to just kill me. You just broke the rules which is said many times in this thread already.
So altough the reason was pretty weak, it was (sadly) still a reason to assasinate the mayor. Next time please decorate your reason further or just have a better reason. You could also try and attend to a meeting with the Mayor to maybe solve the problem peacefully.

As for now: Denied
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