ETS2 PH Convoy v2

Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

It's time for a second convoy lads, just like last time we will be meeting up and doing contracts to deliver out some goodies around a country. To make this more smooth make sure that you are registered, logged in and linked your Steam profile with your World of Trucks account so we can do the same contracts. The site for ETS2 MP can be found here, just make sure you have some hours clocked into the game or else you won't be able to make an account.

Basic rules are: don't be a bollocks person by ramming other people, we don't want the shitty cancer squad from last time again. Drive properly and don't even consider over taking while in a convoy. Make sure you know how to use cheats and teleport to the city beforehand so we can do everything smooth and quickly, as in teleport to the meet-up location in singleplayer (don't forget to save) and go into multiplayer afterwards.

As I said above, to avoid the shitty cancer squad again I will PM you the server and location details if you decide to sign up here which is important so I know who actually attends and who I can give the details to.

Tagging some people from last time that attended which I can remember out of my head: @SpaceShots @LordTyla @DannyD @Rogue Matiz Tyres @Archibald @Momo @Sneaky @Hayden @ErmakDimon @Exnem @The HitMan @Duffy @Sdac2
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will 100% be in, i assume we will be needing some pilot cars to lead the convoy?
i volunteer, because my pilot driving skills are the fucking best.
I'll come but I got no cheats to teleport to citites so...
This can be done trough the console, ill make a small tutorial on how to prepare for the convoy
Last time I am pretty certain it was only me and rogue who made it.

Can we also have it so that only known/validated members can join? We had too many trolls from perp last time.
Last time, we had like a few people who couldn't sync the saves and it was just aids. I was farrrr ahead and had to wait for you guys. I also kept on timing out for some reason.

If it wont be as unorganised, I'll come <3