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Now before we start i'm not complaining about anything. I just want some explanation.


As you can see William has a quite long ban history. In less than 1 year he got 10 bans.

He has ban evaded twice. Whilst some people ban evade once and remain perma banned after appealing it.

After having a 6 months ban were he yet again ban evaded he got re banned around 1 month later. Only being 2 weeks.

After being unbanned for around a month again he gets re banned. Again. and this time it's even lower.

I don't know his warnings, but just looking at his bans he shouldn't just have 1 week with that record.

Looking at my bans I've got my first perma ban already with 6 bans. Whilst he gets 1 week with 9 bans.

I'm not complaining about anything. But I just like to know what happend here.
Every ban is different. I felt in a nice mood considering he is showing improvement. I also felt a bit of understanding towards William due to the taxes being high. He was justified in what he did, but he did it in the wrong type of fashion which meant a ban was given.
I was permanently banned for ban evasion and several other rule breaks but managed to be unbanned in 1 month's time for various reasons. The ban length (despite there being large amounts of bans on a user in the past) varies depending on the rule broken and whether or not the user has shown progression in a change of attitude on the server along with understanding the rules more thoroughly.

William improved over the times which he was banned hence why his ban length recently has been significantly reduced.
Because someone shows improvement doesn't mean he can just break the rules 1 month later and be handled like someone who has a clean record.

He ban evaded twice, which like i said some people don't get unbanned for doing it once. And he gets away with doing it twice.

And how does he show improvement if he still gets banned 1 month after being unbanned twice?
His ban shouldn't be in place, I had a ban request in the exact same situation, Manner denied it along with a few other staff members.
Ok, People are different in this case.

You had last chance to not get banned. You lost it and so you got banned. Maybe others made a ban appeal and had a contract too. It can be everything. Don't look bans of other people look at yours.
Over the past year William has improved a lot when it comes to Roleplaying and rules, and I bet the admins knows this too, you however are a prick and I really hope you do stay perma banned forever. :)))
you however are a prick and I really hope you do stay perma banned forever. :)))

You had last chance to not get banned. You lost it and so you got banned. Maybe others made a ban appeal and had a contract too. It can be everything. Don't look bans of other people look at yours.

Point out where it said that we're talking about my ban.

There is no reason to say that I shouldn't be unbanned or that I suck at rules because there is no fucking reason to do so.

I'm asking the staff team about his ban length. I'm not asking for William fan boys to defend their friend by coming up with my ban which makes no sense to place here at all.

Seeing Matt gave the reason why it's 1 week this can be closed before even more William friends come up and make them self look retarded
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