Server Suggestion fair and balanced

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Suggestion Title: balance pd vs crim
Suggestion Description: this brother said:

And what we can learn from what he said is if a bank robbery starts and the payout is calculated in regards to 5 cops. Then 5 more cops get on duty as the robbery is happening this is unbalanced and unfair to the criminals because now they're fighting 10 cops but being paid to fight 5. So this should be fixed.

Also TFU resigning or leaving the server which allows more tfu to get on after TFU was already eliminated is unfair to crims because the cooldown on tfu responding is shortened, which disregards the maximum amount of TFU being able to be on duty at a time mechanic, if hypothetically the tfu got off then another guy got on tfu instantly 1 minute after the tfu died.

Obviously cops should be hard to beat, constantly flowing and all that but if this loop hole continues to be allowed along with the incorrect payout calculation then it's only hurtful to the developers who worked to build the bank robbery event, the criminals who want to have a fun shootout while earning the promised payout and lastly the police who want a good shootout while playing fair.

Why should this be added?:
- Fairness
- Remove a loophole
- Player satisfaction
- satisfies cops, crims and devs
- more bank robberies (but you might not like this if you hate bank robberies)
- increases the value of TFU in shootouts which chronologically prompts more performance out of the TFU that respond which makes Police more capable due to the demand of skill being set higher if this loophole is patched.

What negatives could this have?:
- Less cop wins cause TFU limit is actually upheld
- more bank robberies (if you don't like bank robberies here is ur con)

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Could you maybe copy Jamies text or make ss bigger. I cant read it sadly.
But if what you say is true bout the price calculated. That indeed has to change. Good idea fr.
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What is with you people saying that PD is unbalanced.
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What is with you people saying that PD is unbalanced.
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wdym you people say pd is unbalanced. if a criminal group does a bank job which promises a calculated payout based on 5 cops that are on duty before the robbery started then 5 more cops get on doubling the difficulty but still resulting in the criminals receiving only 5 cops worth of a payout that's fair?

If TFU can quit the server and just have some random guy who hopped on duty fill their shoes and respond instantly without waiting the NLR or death timer that disconnected TFU had to wait that's a loophole.
What is with you people saying that PD is unbalanced.
check this out:
Maybe you misread the thread. This is about bankraids.
Could you maybe copy Jamies text or make ss bigger. I cant read it sadly.
But if what you say is true bout the price calculated. That indeed has to change. Good idea fr.
"I don't think the issue is the amount of cops nor the amount of TFU. Yes at times there is a max amount of cops some times. But, To be honest I don't see this often. The main issue I see is people camping the PD until they hear shots then sprinting to go on duty. This is normally done at normal raids and mainly bank robberies. So for an example here you could kill all the cops and TFU then they will resign/leave the server. After this there friend might go on duty and gear up and flank again, This causes more cops and more tfu so the limit goes from 5-6-7-8-9-10 so on and so on. The term "zombie wave" can be used well. This also massively affects the bank robbery. Since the bank takes into consideration how many cops are on duty when placing the drill, After it is announced 5-10 more cops might go on duty. This causes the money calculation to mess up thinking its fighting 5 cops in stead of 10. I think this is the main thing that needs stopping or changing and it will fix alot of the problems people think there are."
solution to BANK robbery bit, not any other part. - And i know someones arguments are that very little of the time there are little cops on duty. However it does indeed go up during the times of shootings and bank robberies. As a cop main i see maybe 2-6 people get on duty within the first 3 minutes of a bank robbery starting

When a bank robbery occurs. There will be a 5-10 minute timer that prevents people going on duty.

or the reward from the bank robbery will change as cops go on duty.
solution to BANK robbery bit, not any other part. - And i know someones arguments are that very little of the time there are little cops on duty. However it does indeed go up during the times of shootings and bank robberies. As a cop main i see maybe 2-6 people get on duty within the first 3 minutes of a bank robbery starting

When a bank robbery occurs. There will be a 5-10 minute timer that prevents people going on duty.

or the reward from the bank robbery will change as cops go on duty.
it should change and increase accounting for the cops defeated and disconnected + the just recently on duty cops stacked because crims had earned that rightfully by fighting both assuming they win.
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