Fasool's Enforcer Application

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STEAM NAME: Fasool.Joker

IN-GAME NAME: George Schurr


AGE: 14

Bahrain, GMT+3. I can see your faces for the people who thought I was British.


Hello there, I'm Fasool and my IC name is George Schurr. For those of you who don't know me I have been a active member of PERP for the past 6 months. During these six months I did of corse do stupid things which ended up with me getting a punishment for every stupid thing I did. PERP was my first ever Gmod server to join. I had no idea what Gmod was at that time, and I didn't care about the rules at all. I currently have 8 Warnings on records, and I will state them all over here whilst explaining how I got them. So, lets start.

Warning # 1 2015-08-17 18:35:58 2.1 - Jumping on cars randomly at PD:

I got this warning literally about 10 min after joining the server. I didn't know what was going on and I was just jumping on cars. Then a Staff member picked me up and took me to a roof. He asked me why I was doing that, and I explained to him I was new. He told me he would give me a warning, and at that time I thought "Warning" was just a "Verbal Warning". After he issued the warning he changed my IC name from "Fasool Joker" to "George Schurr", and that's how I got that name. I discussed this warning with a few staff members, and they said it should have been a verbal warning instead of an immediate warning. They also said that there is no use of disputing it since it was pretty old and not that big of a deal, so I got over it.

Warning # 2
2015-08-26 14:26:26 3.4, 3.6 - User jumped off the city hall to suicide.:

As I stated, I was a sweatervest at that time, and I saw some people jumping from he city hall so I decided to join. I didn't understand the rules, and I was being an idiot.

Warning # 3
2015-08-26 21:02:37 Killing himself for literally no reason:

I got this warning at the same day I got warning # 2, and I was just stupid. Didn't know what I was doing, and I'm surprised I didn't get a ban.

Warning # 4
2015-08-27 01:01:57 4.1 - User misused his firearm as an officer to shoot an unarmed individual. This is a breach of law 11.11.:

I remember this one. I was a cop on duty, and some shit was going on at the office. I saw a citizen hiding behind a car holding a camera, and I thought he was holding a weapon so I fired a few shots on him. I think this should have been dealt with IC since it was an accident, maybe the LT could've demoted me, but whatever. I'm here to explain my warnings not dispute them.

Warning # 5
2015-09-04 12:53:54 3.4 - Completely disregarded that someone had a shotgun pointed towards him, yet pulled out a gun and shot him in a hostage situation.:

This was issued by @hi im ayjay . It was my first time to ever get gunpointed, and I thought getting my silenced beretta out and killing him would be fine. I actually ended up killing him while he had a shotgun, and he basically lost the raid I guess. My point is you should expect this from a sweatervest who gets gunpointed for the first time.

Warning # 6
2015-10-19 22:50:50 3.4 - Attempting to run over officers after killing the mayor. He managed to run over Citizen Slayer-duck in front of 3 swat and a LT resulting in his death. He could of easily drove off instead of killing the officers. It shows in the video that they did not consider him as a suspect.:

Oh my god, this was the dumbest thing I have ever done during my time here in PERP. Basically, I killed the mayor and I went back to my car I think. I don't remember the reason, but I had to go AFK immediately. When I came back I had to leave, but next thing I saw was the LT taking DNA from the Mayor's body, and next to him was 3 S.W.A.T. I reacted quickly and thought that I should run over 4 people at the same time... I know that was soo dumb. I ended up running over a innocent citizen, and being gatted by the S.W.A.T. The reason to why I didn't drive awat normally is because I needed to leave quickly, and I didn't want to leave any RP situations behind. I didn't know that you should use the report function when you need to leave by that time, and I was just being dumb.

Warning # 7
2015-12-14 20:49:39 3.4 - User risked his life when taking out a firearm under gunpoint of 2 officers.:

This one was pretty simple. I was held at gun point by 3 officers, but I was pretty far away. I thought I had cover behind a police car so I decided to get a weapon out and shoot them which ended up with a filthy 3.4 stamped to my head.

Warning # 8
2015-12-19 23:46:20 3.12 - Killed the mayor whiles standing behind him. The user had no reason to kill the mayor nether did it benefit him in anyway.:

My latest warning. This is a mistake that anyone could've done. I was raiding the regals, and we were just done killing the cops. Next thing I knew was the Mayor standing by the regals parking watching the whole situation. The taxes were at 30% by that time, and I decided to kill him because he was a witness. @GraveDinosaur explained to me how I should have tied and gagged him instead of killing a high priority. I just rushed the whole situation considering that the regals is right next to the PD, and an officer could just spawn and shoot me any time. I do regret all these warnings above, and I wish there was a way of apologizing to them. Unfortunately there isn't, and well, shit happens.

My latest ban 20-Jan-2016 20:14 3.4 - Trying to murder an officer as he though his friend was being arrested, when infact his friend was only held up by an officer for picking up a gun from a crime scene. (Mannerwaffel):

I just want to explain my latest ban. It was a really complicated situation, and anyone would've done the same mistake I did. There was shooting at the bazaar, and I was on the scene. I went to check out the ally way where I saw my friend being gun pointed by an officer, he was screaming "HELP!" and he had a famas on his back. I thought that he was the shooter, and I decided to kill the officer in order to save my friend from a jail time sentence. It turned out that he just tried to steal a weapon and the officer ordered him to drop it. @Mannerwaffel explained to me how it was based on luck, and that if he was actually getting arrested I wouldn't have gotten this ban. I made an appeal a few days later and it was accepted.

Now, the reason to why I want to become enforcer is because I want to help this server in any way possible. I have dealt with many situations where I saw people breaking rules, and staff members not having time to deal with my report. For example someone who escaped from a ticket and caused a police chase. When I noticed that no staff member was going to respond I decided to have a chat with the rule breaker after he gets arrested, and explain to him what rule he broke and how. This ended up with the person fully understanding the rule and I don't think he did the same mistake again. I'm not sure, but I think that person was @Keel . I also think that I have an extensive rule/ law knowledge to the limit where I can enforce them. This is because I rarely get reports on me, and when I do it ends up with my actions being completely justified. I have never ever received a forum warning, not that I know of, and I'm quite active in the forums. I have been kind to almost ever person I see, and never made enemies with anyone in the forums or any member of PERP really. Of corse I do have enemies IC, but I like to keep things IC which is why I'm still friends with them in the forums or on steam @Whitewolf. I am calm in many many situations even if they are heated. I am also patient which is another good thing. I would never take an action unless I fully understand what the situation is from both sides of the story. I also understand how staff members get into heated situations when they are the only ones doing reports, and I also believe that I can deal with these situation in a fair way. I do hang out with Staff members a lot, and I have learnt a lot from them. This is why I believe I have become more experienced, due to the fact that I have seen them deal with many situations.

ARE YOU ACTIVE ON THE TEAMSPEAK: I am quite active on teamspeak, although when I don't see as much people on it to talk with I would just leave. I do hop on it every time I play PERP tho'.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY: For those of you who don't know me or are not sure whether I would be able to hold this position. I will be posting my opinion on a lot of AR's and I will also be active in-game probably as a cop in order to prove that I can handle heated situations and have an extensive law/ rule knowledge. You will see me RP'ing as a cop or some sort of Passive RP a lot this week, I also RP as a lawyer sometimes and I have been successful at it. I will try my best on the "Help Chat", and if you need talk to me about something, feel free.

Thank You for your time,
George Schurr.



In order for your application to be considered you must meet the following requirements:
  1. Your time played on the server must be at least one week. 2 Month's
  2. No recent in-game bans and warnings on record
  3. You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. HUGE
  4. You must have access to and use a microphone.
  5. You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server
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United Kingdom
Yes i was the one he had a chat with. He showed a very clear understanding of the rules and i think he is ready for Enforcer!
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Saudi Arabia
+support I believe the staff team is in-need of an Arabic gentlemen :kappa:

JK, seriously this is a +support from me, fasool was one of the nicest players i've ever met, yet he shows full extent of rule/law knowledge.

Deleted member 4084

George. I agree with you on pretty much everything in this.
You can keep calm in pretty much any situation, and you also know right from wrong.
You have an amazing knowledge of the laws, and a greater knowledge of the rules, and you've even help people (especially sweatervests) to understand the rules!
Your a great role-model, and a great person to get along with!
Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Fasool can't take a joker wouldn't make a good Enforcer, he has broken far too many rules, not only has he had 8 warnings but also has 5 bans on record. He also Cyber bullied @Tom Hill which has caused Tom to seek counselling for his PTSD.
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Fasool can't take a joker wouldn't make a good Enforcer, he has broken far too many rules, not only has he had 8 warnings but also has 5 bans on record. He also Cyber bullied @Tom Hill which has caused Tom to seek counselling for his PTSD.
Alright, I said this in the comments, but I'm repeating it again. First of all, about my 8 warnings and 5 bans. PERP was my first ever server to join in Gmod. For someone who is never used to rules, and doesn't know what the game really is, I would say it's a really good thing that I never got Perma banned. Sure, I have a lot of warnings and bans on record, but I have improved a lot and none of them are recent. I rarely get reports done on me. For the @Tom Hill part, I have never EVER cyber bullied or bullied anyone in general. I have hated bullying since forever, and I would never forgive my self if I ever did bully anyone. The evidence is on him breaking the rules, and not me "Cyber Bullying" him. If anything I was reporting a rule breaker.

+support, felt targeted and harassed as a result of this nitpicking from fasool.

@Tom Hill , I never meant to herass you, all I did was report a rule breaker and I don't think that's herassment in any way? I never meant to heart your feelings or anything. I still think of you as a nice guy, and you can think of me as you want. Whether it's "Can't take a joke" or "Corrupt Supervisor". If I ever did hurt your feelings then I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings at all.

Thank You,
George Schurr.
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I will be supporting this application.

Decent Knowledge of the rules.
Willingness to learn.

Only downside is his somewhat recent ban.

I have always liked our non British friend (Who knew he wasn't from the UK right?)
I feel he would be perfect as an Enforcer.
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I will definitely +support this!
He have really good knowledge of the rules, and of what i've seen, he is good at remaining calm in stressful situations.
Also very friendly person, and im sure he will be able to help out the best way he can, and fit the staff team well.
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I can't say that I am supporting this. I know fasool for quite a while. When you joined the Dragons and asked me to join. I really liked you then and even now but you have so many warnings and bans and your latest ban being only a month and some days ago I do not think that you can enforce the rules so well at least yet.

I have dealt with many situations where I saw people breaking rules, and staff members not having time to deal with my report.
Just because you say to people that they are breaking 3.24, 3.4, 2.1, 3.3, 4.1 and other rules doesn't mean that you can enforce them. The example you gave was pretty simple and any experienced member of the community would have known that keel broke 3.4. These all are obvious rules that people break a lot but when it comes to a difficult situation, you cannot say for sure if someone broke a rule or not. And for you to become a staff member you must be able to handle these situations.

I made an appeal a few days later and it was accepted.
You made an APOLOGY, what you said is pretty unnecessary and people might have thought that you disputed the ban.

No recent in-game bans and warnings on record
I wouldn't say that just because a month has passed.

You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws to the extent where you can Enforce them. HUGE
"Huge" but has 8 warnings and 5 bans on record with some of them being relatively new + your bans and warnings keep on going meaning that you are not learning from them. What I mean by that is that you get a warning/ban. In a few days/weeks you get another one etc.
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Just because you say to people that they are breaking 3.24, 3.4, 2.1, 3.3, 4.1 and other rules doesn't mean that you can enforce them. The example you gave was pretty simple and any experienced member of the community would have known that keel broke 3.4. These all are obvious rules that people break a lot but when it comes to a difficult situation, you cannot say for sure if someone broke a rule or not. And for you to become a staff member you must be able to handle these situations.

When I approached @Keel I told him "Do you understand that you broke the rules?". I then started explaining to him what rule he broke and how he broke it ect. I also gave him several examples about how people break 3.4, and how they avoid breaking it. I didn't just tell him "You broke 3.4, don't do it next time.".
You made an APOLOGY, what you said is pretty unnecessary and people might have thought that you disputed the ban.
I never intended to make people think I disputed it. If I did dispute it then the ban won't be in my record in the first place... I said that my appeal got accepted as in I made an apology and it got accepted, because if I did make a dispute then the ban won't be there for me to discuss in my enforcer application.

I wouldn't say that just because a month has passed.

"No recent bans". I have asked multiple staff members what they mean by "recent", and they all told me that it should be at least one month. Some of them told me 30 or 31 days without getting banned is acceptable.

"Huge" but has 8 warnings and 5 bans on record with some of them being relatively new + your bans and warnings keep on going meaning that you are not learning from them. What I mean by that is that you get a warning/ban. In a few days/weeks you get another one etc.

I have explained why I got 8 bans and 5 warnings in my previous post. About the "new" bans and me getting them ever couple of days/ weeks. That is completely invalid. The last ban I got was like 1 month and a few days ago as you said, I also explained how complicated the situation was and how anyone could've made that mistake. I also said that MannerWaffel explained to me how it was based on luck, and you should know that since you were in the sit. Basically, what he said was that I was unlucky, and that the next time this happens I should ask the officer about the situation after it has been dealt with, and not take any actions even if the officer doesn't respond or ignores me. None of these bans/warnings are new because new is the same meaning as recent, at least on this sentence it is, and I explained how none of my bans were "recent". I don't mind about what you think of me, whether it's a -support or a +support. This is your opinion in the end, and if you don't think I can enforce them, then I can't do anything about it. Unless, you would like to look at my posts on AR's and watch my actions IG, then you will be sure whether I should get enforcer or not. -EDIT- One more thing, about me not learning from any of my bans, that is also completely invalid. If you look at most of my bans and warnings, most of them are different from eachother, or have different situations. Maybe I didn't learn from them as a sweatervest, but I have learnt from all of them now. I remember asking @Madda to explain to me rule 3.4, and if it wasn't for him then I would still be breaking that rule. After he explained it to me, I rarely got reports on me for 3.4 and I stayed for an amount of 3 months without any bans on record. That ended after my last ban of corse.

Thank You,
George Schurr
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Reaction score
United Kingdom
Another point for + Support is that when ever i saw a newbie saying in OOC "where is this and that? " Fasool would ask them to meet him and he would take them round. If you ask me you would be stupid not to take him on as enforcer!
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I remember this guy from the start, not much will but I do. Not much people will believe me, but me and some others got him somewhere to live and make drugs, I remember helping George out on the menu etc. He has come far, more than me atleast.

I believe he is ready for enforcer, and wish he becomes enforcer as he helps out other people, and I know he'll do good.


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The incident involving @Tom Hill heavily influenced my opinion on you; I knew little about you other than that interaction. Set aside that negativity, the positivity does indeed come in strong - you are known for abiding by and upholding the rules and people go out of their way to appreciate you for that. I don't think there's any reason why you couldn't become an enforcer in order to gain the experience and training and develop into a fantastic staff member.

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The Netherlands
Fasool.joker did two reports today, both got dealt with perfectly. Calm, patient and friendly person with good knowledge about the rules, he even got his first given warning in the pocket!

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