Final Goodbye

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You’ve maybe read my previous post about taking a break from the server, i will now not only take a break but move on. If i ever come back it will be in the next years as i have been struggling with depression and other mental health problems which i still do, i don’t even remember what it feels like to wake up in the morning and be happy. Nobody will be tagged or mentioned in this message as i felt like most people didn’t give a shit. This is my final goodbye to all of you, hope all of you will be well in the future.
Hi man,

It's good to always talk to people, It's only a temporary feeling pal, It'll obviously go away, You won't be spending your entire life being upset and feeling a certain way, It's only going to get better, Just take a timeout, a break away from things will make you much happier, A lot of people are going through what you are right now and It won't last, Enjoy your time while we have it mate.

Hopefully I'll see you on here again soon as I loved your PD RP Kenso, We had some good sits.
Hey man, just know that you aren’t alone in feeling this type of way. A good time away from social media and any type of online interaction should do you a world of good, just surround yourself with those who are important to you and your family who cares for you and don’t be afraid to open up to them about things.
Wishing you all the best x
Depression sucks, but typically there are things you can do to make yourself feel better. Usually, people turn to games to provide an escape from reality, but seeing as that isn't really working for you I'd recommend trying to find other hobbies. I would seriously recommend going outside, even just for 15-30 minutes a day and just taking in some fresh air and enjoying whatever scenery you have available to you. Staying inside all day long is depressing in itself and won't help your situation at all.

Furthermore, try working out. Play some sports if that's your thing, or maybe you wanna just try lifting, it really all depends on you. Personally, I've been training MMA since I was a little kid, eventually starting to kickbox, then just boxing, and I can tell you right now there is nothing better in this world to do to fight stress or depression than boxing.

Perhaps you like to read? Pick up a series that you used to read when you were a little kid and see how that makes you feel :)

Everyone is different, the things above helped me get through some difficult and stressful times with work, but you need to be proactive about your situation and keep pushing because if you believe you're at rock bottom, the only way left to go is up.

I hope we can see a return post in a few months with you telling us you were able to get the break you needed and improve your mental state. Good luck, wish you the best.
sorry to hear about your depression and have respect that you can talk about it and cool that you dare TO SAY IT !!!. Because that's what's important so I hope you get back on the server and have a better time there. Feel good and everyone has problems no one is perfect so you are not alone
Distract yourself. I'm not going to write some corny ass paragraph which is some hidden lecture telling you it's going to be all good, but if you have that safety net around you, full of people who can support you, then it will go a long way in keeping you alive or from doing anything stupid.

Share that problem with somebody too (A problem shared is a problem halved)

Our problem is that we've adapted and conformed to instant gratification so much (I.e. Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube shorts for Christ sake) that when the stream of it is cut off, we are left disassociated and low (Long periods of low mood manifest the destructive brain habit of depression)

Find that happy medium, the equilibrium, the Ying and Yang. Do everything in moderation. (Now that's some corny advice you should take)

Also finding light of every situation is a good perspective shift. I make a joke out of a situation (No matter how shitty the joke) because even if one person laughed, that's one persons day made slightly better.

Big props to you though man and anyone who views this message and is struggling right now, as you have already made it this far. You think Paralake v5 was built in a day!?

Here to talk if you need.

-The one and only
Yo man, I wish you the best of luck and hope you get what you're longing for. out door is always open if you want to come back.
Honestly take a break from social media and take a break from negativity, that also means perp as we all know can get rather toxic from time to time. In the end your mental health matters and nothing else, dont let anyone bully you into thinking you aint worth something. Stay strong and once again, if you need to talk hmu!