Discussion Post: https://perpheads.com/threads/dna-fingerprint-id-machine.22791/#post-146445
Main Idea: To allow Leo's to ID people who refuse details, are being arrested, are potentially wanted and Leo's have to obtain details of the person for purposes of an investigation.
Full description of the idea:
Currently there is no real way of IDing people who you are questioning and attempting to get their name except by checking ID of comparing DNA from body and the person you have in custody and that isn't very good as you usually cant do it. What I suggest Is that when someone is arrested their fingerprints/DNA is put onto the PD systems and saved like in real life so when you ID someone on the machine, If they are known or have been ID'd before they will come up on the machines' screen giving the persons' actually name and picture. This will allow people to confirm suspects and astatine peoples name who refuse to give their details to us or need it for an investigation. The DNA is wiped from the system If a police officer kills the person but not a civ.(NLR rule)
Why should it be added?: I think this should be added so that the police can effectively conduct there job and will allow the police to get solid evidence against people as well as the DNA from the body if that is needed dependent on the severity of the crime.
-Make arrests more solid due to dna/frinprints not lying
-Increase RP
- Reduces number of false arrests as there is solid proof who person is.
- Reduce number of people lying about their identity.
- More realistic as police irl have fingerprint databases and finger print everyone who is arrested.
- stops people getting away with the 'you don't have enough evidence' excuse as you can confirm there name.
- Would need to be modeled and map change to accommodate it in pd.
- people would complain possibly about there details being stored.
- system would need to be made up to allow this to work.
*Other additions:
*Images: portable version
station version
Main Idea: To allow Leo's to ID people who refuse details, are being arrested, are potentially wanted and Leo's have to obtain details of the person for purposes of an investigation.
Full description of the idea:
Currently there is no real way of IDing people who you are questioning and attempting to get their name except by checking ID of comparing DNA from body and the person you have in custody and that isn't very good as you usually cant do it. What I suggest Is that when someone is arrested their fingerprints/DNA is put onto the PD systems and saved like in real life so when you ID someone on the machine, If they are known or have been ID'd before they will come up on the machines' screen giving the persons' actually name and picture. This will allow people to confirm suspects and astatine peoples name who refuse to give their details to us or need it for an investigation. The DNA is wiped from the system If a police officer kills the person but not a civ.(NLR rule)
Why should it be added?: I think this should be added so that the police can effectively conduct there job and will allow the police to get solid evidence against people as well as the DNA from the body if that is needed dependent on the severity of the crime.
-Make arrests more solid due to dna/frinprints not lying
-Increase RP
- Reduces number of false arrests as there is solid proof who person is.
- Reduce number of people lying about their identity.
- More realistic as police irl have fingerprint databases and finger print everyone who is arrested.
- stops people getting away with the 'you don't have enough evidence' excuse as you can confirm there name.
- Would need to be modeled and map change to accommodate it in pd.
- people would complain possibly about there details being stored.
- system would need to be made up to allow this to work.
*Other additions:
*Images: portable version

station version