Fire Alarm for property.

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Topic: Fire Alarm
Short explanation (in notes):
-...Can be put down on owned properties.
-...Alarms the FD when fire breaks out near the Fire Alarm.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think it's needed cause IRL you must have fire alarms too in your house/business etc.
Also it'll make notifying the FD easier for everyone, and might save some lives or physical items, since you dont need to type it, but automatically contacts itself.

Optional additions:
-...Atleast where i live, fire alarm is a MUST, and people from FD can come to your house anytime to check, if you have working fire alarm, if not, you'll be fined
-...So i thought firemen could actually go on people doors to knock, and ask them to show their Fire alarm, if he can't provide a working fire alarm already placed before firemen came to door, they can be ticketed
-...(well these optional add's are just thoughts and probably won't be added.. just wanted to make an full idea of it )

Ah that's an amazing idea, sounds hard to do though. It would be nice if one is triggered an alarm will sound at FD.
@Menta Yes/no, with how house alarms currently work it wouldn't be practical nor make sense to have these systems linked up. The main issue I have with things such as this is mostly how it requires a physgun to possibly place in a proper location. Just like fences, there's no good way for nonpremiums to use these and have it not look awkward. Also I need to check to see if between HL2 and CS:S if there would be a suitable prop or not, as we try to use those first to save content size. But I can see this suggestion probably being added at some point.

A few questions about intended behavior though.

1) Should it notify fire department when it detects a fire or just make noise?
2) If 1. contacts the fire department, should there be a rule stating you may only use on your own property? To avoid someone placing outside a wall of someone else they suspect to be doing meth, which would notify the FD if one of the meth happened to explode.
answers. 1) i think it should behave like the life alert ( automatically show text with the location, i think thats the most useful way of this fire alarm)
2) Yes i'd really like that to be a rule that you can only place it on your own property ( and firemen can come check owned properties any time if they have one, cause i wish it was a law or something to own a fire alarm on property :) )
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