Fire Chief

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Topic: fire cheif

Short explanation (in notes):
-...would work like a police cheif
-...could demote EMS and fire fighters
-...whould have a special car (
-... would respond to bigger fires (forrest fires and building fires)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

i have seen that nobody seems to be able to demote fire/rescue workers

Optional additions:
-...mabey give them the revive tool (most fore cheifes have a medical education.
I like the idea however it would be nice if they were only incharge of the Fire Department. So, it'd be good as the Chief would be able to assign the firefighters to different places and make decisions, it would make it more ordered, maybe not the revive tool.
Well, actually, in Germany, every firefighter has the same amount of medical education as a paramedic, don't know, if it is the same in the US. And you do much nice suggestions lately, I like it! :D + support
I don't think this would add much since the firefighters don't really have a lot to do as it is so there isn't really much to organize. And if the firefighters were able to revive people then the medics would be quite useless in a lot of situations.
This might've been suggested on forums before, can't remember, but I know many people have talked about it elsewhere, and my response always is, what's the real point in a fire chief? I mean, yes the demotion thing may be handy but then people will request a job specifically to demote road crew called master mechanic or something. So perhaps expanding police lieutenant's reach of all emergency services is needed. As for the "responds to bigger fires" why would regular fire fighters not? The issue I find myself usually having with how people play firefighter at the current time is that they use the small truck to respond to all situations no matter how large the fire is, and since they earn half of what they would with the hose and it takes longer to put out, I see it as a way of farming and I'm quite inclined to reduce how much is earned per fire using it.

@Trande Yes firefighters are highly trained in medical education as well here in the US. So that isn't a problem, but it would negate the usefulness of medics if people call in firefighters often, I know for myself, I have had medics simply not respond to my 911 calls in game, so a firefighter drove by and I managed to get healed by him, not exactly great RP though.

As for the special car, firefighters were given a special car, the Dodge Ram, so that they would be able to get out of the firestation and respond quicker to emergencies, not so that they would respond to massive forest fires quicker.

So overall, I don't see a huge purpose in this in all honesty unless we were to combine firefighter and medic into one job essentially.
-Support I don't think this is really needed maybe for the demote thing, but I think its perfect like it is right now!.
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