Forum Organization Changes

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Organizations within the forums have always been a grey area where we did not monitor their behavior much other than when the Report feature was used. They were treated as a mix of both OOC and IC, however there were no specific rules in place that regulated organization posts.

This has lead to several organization posts including information about their illegal activities, such as muggings, bank robberies, marijuana growing operations, etc. As well as several instances of behavior which does not conform to the rules of the forums.

From this point on organization posts will be regarded as a website homepage for that organization. However this website would be treated as though it were hosted within a western country so it is subject to guidelines similar to that of /advert. This includes but is not limited to, no discussion of illegal activities, no outright discriminatory behavior, and real life images. You are welcome to discuss these topics in game and share your true propaganda that way, but the posts in the Organizations section must be void of this. We will notify people that are in violation of these terms and give them a few days to clear it up before deletion. As owner please check your own organization threads as soon as possible.
Rule removed. It has not had a negative impact since it's removal and encourages people to keep "beef" in-character rather than taking to OOC mediums.
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