François class

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Hi, I got French class this year, and I would like to know if there is somebody here on the forums, that can speak fluent French?
I could need some help, and I would really appreciate it if you took some time, around next summer, maybe an hour a week, to talk with me on french.

Ill maybe send you a free slice of Brunsviger!

I'll be back from my vacation on the 2nd of September; I'll try, I guess.

oh shit next summer damn nigro you planning far ahead.
I've been doing French for about 4 years now. Maybe I can help, although I'm still at GCSE level. You also spelt Français wrong :shamefullyembarrased:
That would be great mate.
Haha I actually went onto Google translate, but my school network blocked it. So I just searched the word, and the Wikipedia article came up.
François is a name xd.

Have had french for about 7 years now, I could help.
Ohh lol, what is the real word for French on French? xd

Thanks, I will probably drop you a pm in a few weeks I guess:)