Frankie Rankin's Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Probably PD
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) @Bolli
How long were you banned for: Perm

Your Steam Name: Frankie
Your In-game Name: Frankie Rankin
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:173636863

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered:
I would like to start this appeal off by apologising to my Friends, the Staff team and to the players I affected, Yes I was only cheating for a week and not many people were affected by it, However, I understand this was still completely unacceptable and I am gravely sorry for my actions. Since my ban, I have greatly matured and I have changed from the toxic brat I used to be. I have experienced life a lot more now, Also spending a lot of time on other games (RP servers) Where I have roleplayed and experienced the real experience. And I now know I need to face my issues head-on and not find some little loophole to try and better my play style. I miss the perp community and aspire to come back. I feel like I have bettered myself over the last 9 months. Although that is not the longest amount of time. I have also taken my time to re-read the rules of the forums and server and make sure that I don’t violate any rules. Although my history was not the best. Long story short I was just an immature kid and I understand and take full responsibility for my actions,

I miss the experience perp gave, Although I have been in many communities since perp, None have given me the feeling I got when playing perp, I also miss being able to play with my friends and enjoy patrolling within the PLPD.

I want everyone to keep in mind that cheating is never a good idea, I was bored of the server and I personally thought that I would never regret getting banned from this server, but trust me the outcome of this was exactly the opposite of what I thought, I completely regret on what I’ve personally done and I have said it once and I can say it one million times if you want. I am sorry.

I understand that I was not liked by a number of people within the community, as I mentioned above I was an immature person back then, but trust me I have changed, I would love to make sure that everyone can get a different perspective of me now. I have developed my people skills and have learned how to make new friends and fix friendships.

I have been appealing for a couple of months now and I have decided to give it another go. I can assure you I have really reflected these last few months. With today being around 9.2 Months since my ban I feel it would be appropriate to appeal again.

I have noticed a few cheaters have been unbanned recently some serving shorter bans than myself. And I just hope I can get the chance they did.

I hope that you can take this appeal into consideration and I personally thank you for taking your time reading this and taking time to consider the outcome of this.

Kind Regards,
Frankie Rankin
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