Actual Link to FAQ
This guide should help you with in and out of game questions that get ask'ed by new players everyday. These questions can help with day to day fun on the perp server.
Any staff member which wants to add a question to the F.A.Q, feel free when ever you like, but i will try to update as much as possible.
Q: My game is not responding when im downloading the files.
A: Just leave your computer to do the work, come back in around 5 minutes.
Q: Where is a link to the rules and laws.
A: There is currently two ways to get a link to rules and laws. By pressing F1 in game and clicking the tabs or; Laws, Rules.
Q: How do i become a premium member.
A: To become a premium member, you have to donate. Click here.
Q: All vehicles are looking weird looking and look odd.
A: Set the texture's detail to High or Very High.
Q: My frames are very awful and literally cannot move anywhere.
A: Follow this guide to help you. (Not made by me)
Q: How do i speak in OOC and LOOC.
A: To speak in OOC, press 'Y' (Default button), and type '/OOC message here)'. To type in LOOC, do the same but do /LOOC
Q: Will i lose my drugs if i disconnect.
A: You will lose your drugs if you disconnect, but if you re-connect within 5 minutes they will stay in the place you left them.
Q: Do i lose my weapons when i die.
A: You do lose your weapon when you are dead. If you think re-connecting will save it, it will not. It just puts you into jail.
Q: Why are the staff team not answering any reports but are online.
A: This may be due to them already answering reports and are busy.
Q: What can i do if some staff member is breaking the rules.
A: Do not make a AR on the staff member, make a staff report instead.
A: Just leave your computer to do the work, come back in around 5 minutes.
Q: Where is a link to the rules and laws.
A: There is currently two ways to get a link to rules and laws. By pressing F1 in game and clicking the tabs or; Laws, Rules.
Q: How do i become a premium member.
A: To become a premium member, you have to donate. Click here.
Q: All vehicles are looking weird looking and look odd.
A: Set the texture's detail to High or Very High.
Q: My frames are very awful and literally cannot move anywhere.
A: Follow this guide to help you. (Not made by me)
Q: How do i speak in OOC and LOOC.
A: To speak in OOC, press 'Y' (Default button), and type '/OOC message here)'. To type in LOOC, do the same but do /LOOC
Q: Will i lose my drugs if i disconnect.
A: You will lose your drugs if you disconnect, but if you re-connect within 5 minutes they will stay in the place you left them.
Q: Do i lose my weapons when i die.
A: You do lose your weapon when you are dead. If you think re-connecting will save it, it will not. It just puts you into jail.
Q: Why are the staff team not answering any reports but are online.
A: This may be due to them already answering reports and are busy.
Q: What can i do if some staff member is breaking the rules.
A: Do not make a AR on the staff member, make a staff report instead.
Q: How do i get a job as a; i.e Officer, Roadcrew member.
A: To get any type of job, you must go to the place and speak to a NPC. (This is mildly outdated)
Q: How do i earn money by doing drugs.
A: A drug guide can be found here.
Q: How do i change my IC name.
A: To change your IC name, you have to go to the city hall.
Q: How do i create my own organisation or join one.
A: To join a organisation, you must find one to be invited to or create one by going to the city hall. This costs $5000
Q: How do i call someone or message them on my phone.
A: To call someone on your phone or text them, you must add them as a buddy on your F4 menu. You also must find their IC name to add them.
Q: How do i use the phone.
A: To be able to open your phone and use it, you must press Z. To close it also press Z again and click the home main button in the bottom middle of the phone.
Q: How do i craft weapons.
A: To craft weapons, you must get the materials and start from the lowest firearm level. To level it up, you must keep crafting different types of weapons.
Q: How do i run faster than other players.
A: To run faster, hold W + ALT at the same time. This means you are sprinting.
Q: I cannot run, i can only jog.
A: If you cannot run no more, you could be out of breath. Start walking to regain breath.
Q: My screen is blurry, and i cannot see properly.
A: You cannot see because you have not eaten in a while. You are Extremely Hungry.
Q: How do i pick up placed down objects.
A: To pick up objects, press 'ALT + E' at the same time.
Q: How do you mute the government radio.
A: To mute the radio, press H. To un-mute it press H again.
Q: I have a black or bloody screen.
A: If you have one of these, this means your down. The black screen means your dead and have to wait 2 minutes to re-spawn. You also cannot remember anything what happen from past situation.
Q: How do i stop my vehicle from moving or being pushed.
A: To stop your vehicle, hold the space key (Brake).
Numbers for all services.
Helpline (For Medical use, Police use and fire fighters) - 911
Taxi driver - 232
Roadcrew - 565
Delivery Man - Cellphone Application
I hope this guide helps all players within the community

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