Geforce Now Dosen't sync correctly

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Hello perpheads community,

I have another problem with geforce now as it dosent sync correctly with my PC.

everytime i play via geforce now the demos dont save on my PC it saves on the CloudPC. Everytime i then go offline all the demos on the CloudPC gets deleted
Also everytime i start Geforce Now it shows me games downloaded wich i dont even own or dont play.

I Tried to find help online but i didnt find anything so if anyone has knowledge or finds something online post the link or help plez.
Here is also a video to show oyu what i mean
Why would the demos save to your PC? I would just recommend you when you're in Garry's Mod, before you go off the game/close it down, disconnect fro m the server, open steam tab and goto and create an account, upload the demos and find it in your folder when you press File upload and then you should be good to go with your demos cause they're uploaded, it might be long/annoying, however I don't think there is no other way not to upload your demos to cloud.
well it saves on the Geforce's PC, it wouldn't save on urs. I'm pretty sure the Steam Cloud thing only covers certain things, maybe such as settings? But I'm pretty sure it won't transfer the demos, hence why when I used it ages ago, I used to upload my demos to everytime.
Why did you assume that the demos would be transferred to your pc?
There's no such syncing between your PC and the servers.
The games that show on your library are the ones you've selected to play once. You don't need to own them for them to show up. You can remove them by right clicking on each one.

Anyhow, when something of interest happens during my session, when I disconnect from the server I go to the Demos menu on GMod and record the demos I want using OBS.
I've tried, however it doesn't recognize GFN as a game and doesn't even allow me to start the recording manually.

Another alternative is whenever you start playing, record the entirety of the session. To avoid having the folder to which your recordings go to use all of your disk, delete them after a month or something like that.
It doesn’t save because they’re two completely different and unique computer systems. If I were you I’d be very careful because if someone demo requests you and you are unable to provide one......well, you know what happens.

I’d download OBS and set up replay buffer which is basically the same thing as shadowplay.
Like I said, you can upload it to as you can access the files via and pressing file upload, although it's annoying you can easily get it uploaded via that way.
@Aquaa Well have fun having a shit ton of recordings on your thing that can take a shit ton of space up on your hard-drive, just saying. It's a way to upload demos and for them not to be lost easily or if you don't want to record it. - it's not slow, it's quite fast with the geforce now speeds that you can upload them very easily.
@A1L recording 2-5 minute clips of scenarios if you think your POV might be needed if the person chooses to make a complaint/report > uploading every demo every single time your on the server, transferring the demo, and then loading it up just to record it....
@Aquaa Within the rules, it states " PERPHeads uses an automatic demo recording feature which is not to be disabled or tampered with at any time; recordings will be available in garrysmod/demos. If a staff member requests a demo file, and that demo file was recorded within the last 21 days, you are obligated to upload it (i.e. users may safely delete demos which are older than 21 days). " - So which is why I said you can upload it if you want because if you only record 2-5 minute clips and they want something else in there, what are you going to do then?
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