Getting a new headset

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Great Britain
I have no idea why I made this thread, oh well, yeah, so, I had this really old headset, like 2 years old, Logitech live-chat something, and the cable kept wrapping around itself and being the most annoying thing ever. and today, about an hour ago, the sound suddenly cuts off while I'm trying to fix the cable, while playing TTT, it cuts out, I fiddle some more cause it does this a lot, Its broke for good, but, never fear, I'm getting a better one, The Turtle Beach Ear Force Z22, for £40, its normally like £65. so yeah, feel free to leave your "we don't give a f**k" comments with the tag [IDC] at the start. if anyone has one, tell me what you think, is it good, is it bad? I want to know.
I personally own/use Turtle Beach PX22, but as past headsets that I've owned, Turtle Beach can be quite spotty in quality. One died within a month, the next had an entire earpiece fall off about a year after owning. Those were different models than my current, but I would be wary of it. As for comfort they're quite nice, the PX21 has better bass than PX22, but it isn't horrible. Anyways, there's my two cents for you.
Personally got a Corsair 2100 wireless headset, I really like it, but it's quite pricy.
I use a Roccat Kave solid 5.1 surround sound headset and I must say the directional sound is on a whole new level with these. When playing CSGO it feels like I am using wallhack! The bass is outstanding too! The whole headset vibrates. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is heavy and hurts my head after more than a few hours of using it. Other wise it is amazing. Had it almost a year, no problems. 10/10 would recommend!
I've been using Razer Kraken Pro for around half a year soon, I'd recommend it as the mic is quite good and it blocks out alot of noise and such a like.
Poundland desktop mic.

But no on a serious note I use a pair of Sony XB450AP's coupled with a cheap reporter style microphone that I got from amazon.
I realise that this is a bad combo but the headphones are nice and they were bought for me so y'know. If I could, i'd go back and ask for a headset rather than just headphones, probably Gamescom series.