Getting punched

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Topic: ^^^

Short explanation (in notes):
- You start bleeding sometimes when getting hit, and you die from it.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
So, when you get hit with someones fists and start bleeding, and you die from it if you don't have a bandage, I think this should removed or that it takes longer time to bleed out.
I honestly don't think that someone can punch you so hard that you bleed out.
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Being hit with someone's fists does not create a gushing wound that takes half a minute to bleed you out. I agree on increasing the time to bleed out considering you can get internal bleeding from the blows.
My opinion on this.

You're being attacked by a sweatervest out of nowhere.
You should bleed after a few hits since you have no idea and are unable to defend in the first few hits

You're starting a fist fight with a random guy while standing in the fighting posistion
You shouldnt instantly bleed, since every hit you get you can expect and can brace yourselfs on it.

Think alot of if this then that coding should happen in this, to make the whole bleeding/damage system complely diffrent
Internal bleeding is realistic, but it should have very low chance and work only for strenght 4 and unarmed combat like 5-6+ to make it realistic.

I think that damage system should be overhauled to add status effects, chance system based on skills and genes. Maybe something basing on Arma/Dayz health system?
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The Perpheads community is based upon real life!
And In real life after a couple of hits you wouldn't start bleeding out would you?
It will be more realistic if the fists do less damage to users and will implement better roleplaying experience for some users!
So Im going to be supporting this idea!
Kind Regards
It's a bit stupid though, isn't it.
You're in a fight with somebody, and you get hit once. You instantly have a gushing wound as if somebody just shot you in an artery.
I've had a few fistfights IRL, and I don't remember bleeding in ANY of them. I also DEFINATELY DON'T remember getting more than a bruise in a fight, but apparently somebody from paralake city can punch you so hard that you get knocked out and die within 5 minutes.
Top class realism here.
I don't mean to offend anyone in this.. Maybe.

You never know, maybe one day you stumble across a lonely little sweater vest sitting outside of PD, casually headbutting the windows. You say "Hi" to the seemingly disabled sweater and he replies back "do u hav any money 4 me pls" and upon hearing this, you respond with a simple "No". You have now angered this sweater vest and he decides to do a /me to un-holster his fists because he's from HL2RP (lol). Whilst walking away, you realize this disabled little sweatervest is chasing you, but you also realize that you are crippled and exhausted because of MTCKitten's shit driving, so you know you're going to need to beat the shit out of this sweatervest. The sweater swings first like some mlg kid, catching your fat throbbing nose, causing it to start bleeding. You bleed to death. The end.

Nose bleeds are dangerous.

In all seriousness, you're completely right, there is an incredibly low chance that you're going to bleed to death after a fight (or even during one) and that you're actually going to bleed from one at all. In PERP, you're throwing a few punches and to be honest, no one in PERP is some Hulk-looking mother fucker who looks like they inject (Garo lol jk) you-know-what (Steroids, ya nerd) and no-one's Bruce Lee either (You might be able to do an Asian impression, but you're no fucking ninja), so there's really no reason for you to bleed to death.

Also, about the internal bleeding.. Fuck off. Getting internal bleeding during a fight is bullshit. Bleeding internally during or after a fight is like seeing Michael Boil (Sdac) actually being successful in life (Jk, he said he killed my family) - the lowest possibility in the world.

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