Suggestion Title: Give TFU Lockpicks
Suggestion Description: Give TFU bobby pins
Why should this be added?:
Currently TFU have no way to quietly open doors. In certain properties, for example office side door,the main breach is one door inset into the property, same with office front, where it may be beneficial to enter silently.
While the current lockpicks are bit loud, maybe a specialized lock picking tool for TFUs that has reduced noise.
The point of this suggestion is to expand the range of tools avaliable, helping to add the T back into TFO
What negatives could this have?:
Abuse of the power (mitigated by current systems)
Failing to announce (mitigated by current systems)
What problem would this suggestion solve?: there's literally barely any tactics or nuance in the way you raid properties as TFU and it's boring
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