Police Suggestion Give TFU Lockpicks


Reaction score
North East

Suggestion Title: Give TFU Lockpicks
Suggestion Description: Give TFU bobby pins

Why should this be added?:
Currently TFU have no way to quietly open doors. In certain properties, for example office side door,the main breach is one door inset into the property, same with office front, where it may be beneficial to enter silently.

While the current lockpicks are bit loud, maybe a specialized lock picking tool for TFUs that has reduced noise.

The point of this suggestion is to expand the range of tools avaliable, helping to add the T back into TFO

What negatives could this have?:
Abuse of the power (mitigated by current systems)
Failing to announce (mitigated by current systems)

What problem would this suggestion solve?: there's literally barely any tactics or nuance in the way you raid properties as TFU and it's boring

Useful Images: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe....jpg/1920px-Brown_Rat_(Rattus_norvegicus).jpg
This suggestion inspired by Ready or Not my goat mirrorgun next inshallah
You state that the negatives are negated by current systems, how so? Considering LEOs are to announce themselfs as such whilst making entry to properties to allow non combatants to surrender, this would possibly increase policy breaks(especially given that there is now recruit TFOs ) and in my opinion would rarely be beneficial imo.
You state that the negatives are negated by current systems, how so? Considering LEOs are to announce themselfs as such whilst making entry to properties to allow non combatants to surrender, this would possibly increase policy breaks(especially given that there is now recruit TFOs ) and in my opinion would rarely be beneficial imo.

internal affairs
Are you aware you can get lockpicks already? Do you mean you want free lockpicks? they only cost 900$
Are you aware you can get lockpicks already? Do you mean you want free lockpicks? they only cost 900$
i am and yes preferably a specialized tool like actual firearms officers have in the field

That isn't really a sufficient prevention method, as it has to go through a decently lengthy system to be handled, increasing workload on CC and IA investigators. As well as not being iine with policy's as explained above, as had you followed policy, those inside would be aware of you anyways.
Nobody cares how realistic or unrealistic this is. It’s blatantly clear how absurdly overpowered this would be. TFU flash bangs are already unbalanced as is because even looking away behind cover makes you blind.
I think everybody has already stated why this wouldn't be a good thing. We have to announce ourselves when we breach either way. So I don't see a point in having any stealthy equipment. Additionally in terms of balancing, it's pretty fair that cops have some level of loudness to them.
The only time I would see this being beneficial is when there are hostage situations and your trying to approach from the rear unnoticed in case you have to intervene due to negotiations not going the correct way even then what happens if they can hear the lockpick and the situation goes wrong anyway. Any other time this would be useless due to the policy stated above and the amount of time to lockpick could cause yourself to be wall banged etc.

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