Gix' Ban Appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Ben Lockwood

Your Steam Name: Gix
Your In-game Name: Nils Tordenskiold
Your Steam ID:
Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.26, User was tied and killed someone.
Why should this appeal be considered:
Before I was supposedly tied down I was told to face the wall at gunpoint. I did so. The /me command was "ties man down". I did not understand that that man was as there were multiple people in the room. It was not clear that the person who was tied down was me and I don't feel like 1 week ban for such a situation is fair.

Additional Comment(s):
Evidence (If Applicable)
: No evidence besides the chatlog.
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You do realize demos are automatically recorded, right? You should provide a demo.
You will need to provide a demo to prove there where others present please, I need evidence purely because there was only 4 people online when I came on so please upload a demo and I will deal with this.
You do realize demos are automatically recorded, right? You should provide a demo.
A demo is not required as there is no dispute in the events that took place, only how the /me is worded and this can be retrieved from the logs. If there's any doubt then I'm sure a staff member will ask.
A demo is not required as there is no dispute in the events that took place, only how the /me is worded and this can be retrieved from the logs. If there's any doubt then I'm sure a staff member will ask.
Apologies Puma, didn't see that. Someone can remove my post.
The premise of what I was saying still stands however, its not really your place to demand a demo and your condescending attitude certainly isn't helpful. Posted from my phone.
In the chatlogs you can see the gunman atleast talking with 1 other person.
[DOUBLEPOST=1435578392,1435577151][/DOUBLEPOST]Cause when i try to open up my demos it just says that I'm missing the paralake map. Is there really a need for a demo when all you guys have to do is open up the logs and see that noname was talking to atleast 1 other person?
Without evidence I do not know that it is obvious that it is not you or otherwise, unfortunately a lack of evidence will lead to closure of this appeal.
Download the Paralake map from workshop.

Also, you don't need to play a demo to upload it.
You can all probably start watching from 44000.
[DOUBLEPOST=1435581776,1435581302][/DOUBLEPOST]In retrospect I can see that the situation was very unclear, and I should probably not have picked up the rifle. However I do believe a ban in this situation is very harsh factoring the circumstances.
[DOUBLEPOST=1435598989][/DOUBLEPOST]@Ben Lockwood You there, mate?
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