GMOD stuttering a lot even with high fps

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
I rejoined the server a week ago and started noticing I get these stutters from around 80-100 fps to as low as 20 for a few seconds. It really affects my gameplay and was wondering what could be the problem.

My specs are:

NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.8Ghz
Kingston 16GB DDR4 ram overclocked to 2900MHz
SSD for games

0:28 you can see a few big stutters

Another spike when the server was full.

Things I've tried with no avail:
Unparked cpu cores,
tried different cfg's
fullscreen borderless
Setting everything to low causes Source engine to behave strangely, it tends to tax more of your CPU with no help of the GPU or something. Setting textures to very high and some other settings fixes this issue where you get more FPS with increased usage from CPU and GPU.
Hi, since you have a Ryzen I recommend updating your BIOS first and then the Chipset. You have to re-install the chipset drivers everytime you update your BIOS so it might be good to do that.

Other than that you could do some BIOS adjustments e.g. enable Quiet & Cool, not sure if your CPU is thermal throttling so clean it up a bit. XMP should hopefully be enabled as you've stated so double check it and see if your RAM is installed correctly for Dual Channel mode. I suggest you use 1usmus' Ryzen power plan for Zen 2, since you have a Zen+ you can use the Universal power plan it comes with and also use these BIOS changes that are listed on this site

Those stutters are at this point normal for Garry's Mod, I didn't have them with 64-Bit but that one seems to be broken atm. If you ever get stutters when running someone over or killing them its probably just the auto screengrabber (lol) fucking up, that's normal too. All you can do at this point is remove all unnecessarry addons and use some launch options and/or use my .cfg
-high -console -threads 6 -nosteamcontroller -nojoy -noff -softparticlesdefaultoff -reuse -noipx -nohltv -nocrashdialog -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd
put in +exec autoexec.cfg if you're using a .cfg, -threads is already modified to have your 6 physical cores
What's your RAM rated speed? the memory controller on your Ryzen might be terrible or just the RAM you're using. No clue what the native support for Zen+ is again, 3200 for Zen 2 and works out of box for me when I set XMP to 3200 with a 3000 kit
Wait, this isnt how PERP looks for everyone?!?!?!?!?!

I found out setting all my graphics settings to the lowest could have been a major issue with my FPS. I set them all to the settings my geforce reccommended and my game is still smooth albeit stutters.
Setting everything to low causes Source engine to behave strangely, it tends to tax more of your CPU with no help of the GPU or something. Setting textures to very high and some other settings fixes this issue where you get more FPS with increased usage from CPU and GPU.
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