So I decided that I got enough of perpheads and + I got 2 month ban, My IC name is Slava Alikov the russian guy who was raging about everything
Want to thank my friend Max Alikov, John Dempsey, Minder Alikov and my other broothers. Whoever thought that I was russian are wrong, I'm actually Lithuanian, I just know a bit of russian words cause I learn russian. But.. I guess It's enough for me, thank you guys, this was my favourite server, I'm on Rust now. I didn't know perpheads before. Like, I was searching for many many many RP servers and it was that server that I really liked when I just joined in. I was calling my friends to come in cause it looked so much fun! And it was fun! We robbed, we worked, we were growing weed and that was awesome!
I hope I see you again guys! Bye for now.. Daswidanija! Adios! Viso gero! Rusky de best!