Goodbye / giveaway

Hey man I don't want your money I'm sorry you're leaving perpheads if it's for private reasons that's totally fair hope you're well Hope you come back ❤️❤️
Honestly bro, keep your stuff.

You never know when you might change your mind and you will regret getting rid of everything.
Trust me, I care much more about the friends and memories I can keep even when I'm not playing, than some virtual items. Even when I was playing, it just sits in my bank, Id rather someone else get some use from it. If I ever come back to perp I'll still have enough left to enjoy the game and play cop
Trust me, I care much more about the friends and memories I can keep even when I'm not playing, than some virtual items. Even when I was playing, it just sits in my bank, Id rather someone else get some use from it. If I ever come back to perp I'll still have enough left to enjoy the game and play cop
Guess I’ll put my name down then!

Ben Goonsberg