Goodbye (ish)

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United Kingdom
Today, I have decided to leave the staff team. My activity has been pretty on and off over the past few months, mainly due to commitments outside of PERP such as my job and general life getting in the way of things. Fredy came to us and offered us to leave the staff team or step down to Senior Moderator. I think now it's only fair and right thing to do that I finally decide to step down and remove myself from the staff team, as I am not in a position to remain consistent with my staff activity.

I came back to the staff team as a helper at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and have remained a staff member for around 4 years at this point. Not only that, but I've had an absolute blast of a time during my time back, and I have reconnected with some familiar old faces and made some great new friendships (and some enemies) along the way. However, I will still play on the server as I intend to remain as the Chief of Department for the PD and hopefully be able to continue my commitment in that aspect of the community. It's just now, due to my new job and other things, I won't be as active as I once was. Below, I'm going to tag a handful of people that I think deserve a mention here, but I won't be able to include too many names otherwise it would take me forever to write the list, so if you have been missed don't take it personally it's just I cannot be bothered to write 50+ people down.

@Mim - We first met doing RTU shit together and to this day we still chat shit and play games together. Great mate, and I'm sure we'll continue to fuck about for years to come (little britain impressions).

@flugs - We sadly never got to be admins together, but I've always enjoyed working with you as a staff member. Another great mate.

@Tyla Jai - Always a good laugh and I’m sure we will see each other around at work.

@MiniXIII - One of the biggest trolls I know, but always been motivated in roles you've had and always had some interesting chats.

@A1L - Most definitely the most toxic admin, but you make up for it for being pretty dedicated.

@Mallard - Had some great laughs with you mate, but chill out!

@SamSN - Bit of a neek, but we’ve played some good old games together.

@Collier - Cheers for running the staff team and working with us admin blokes.

@Jack - Quality accent.

@blackdown - Definitely the best American player this community has ever had, thanks for your service Joe Frappuccino.

@Mina - We need to get the gang back together to play more bed wars.

@Sindarin - You've done some amazing work with the new PD website and I like having chats on TS with you.
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You're a top quality bloke and were a pleasure to work alongside when I was CoD and you DCoD; it really is a shame that you are no longer an Administrator, but I guess life catches up to us all at some point. You've been doing a cracking job as CoD and I'm glad to see you're staying in that seat.
Sad to see you go bro! Had funny interactions with you! Be safe out there bro o7
(little britain impressions).
And hot fuzz references @Tyla Jai

Been an absolute pleasure these last 4 years mate, what a genuine loss. We’ll get back on the piss soon, not before we force @Mim to have his first pint though.

You’re fantastic friend and I’m glad to have had the privilege to work with you all this time.
Been a fantastic 4 years, while it is sad to see you go, I know without a doubt that you always had the best interests of the community in mind and you are truly a great friend. It was always a pleasure working with you, I only wish I was around more these past few years.


Gonna be paying a visit to my favourite local street tonight in honor of a loss of a great friend ;(
I was honestly shocked to see you were a part of the split, but I understand you had to - best wishes for what's ahead of you, you've given all your best, and despite our differences one of the better Admins/Chiefs to just chill about with.

Come back to give me a 1-1 patrol in PLPD, you won't regret it.
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Sorry to see you go Hayden, I wish you luck with your new job / career. Thanks for the time you put into the community and leadership.
Much respect for you Hayden I wish you the best of luck in life!
Always level headed and respectable.