Goodbye lads


Professional Stripper
Reaction score
Through my entire perp experience, I have enjoyed every bit of the past 20 months. The people I have met and every single one of the shits and giggles. I'll keep it short and sweet, because I'm going to miss it all.


Thanks to the work the staff team have put in, in order to maintain an amazing server thats enjoyable for everyone and for @MrLewis and @Bolli for maintaining the staff team.

Few lads:
@Jericho funniest guy on the server and a true William Wallace.
@Samuel biggest influence on my PLPD career and gave me the oppertunity to take me to where I am today.
@MachineGunO stop buying shit cars.
@AyJay Great Enforcer candidate, and one of the most determined non staff memers to make the server better for the community.
@Mage stop dying
@Speedy really did get your moneys worth out of
@Mooney Left back in the changing rooms.
@Nade Alardin lets be honest, Corrie is shit.
@Husky try not to get banned.
@Feng Yamaguchi give the man enforcer.
@GraveDinosaur best staff member
@Creepis friendliest community member
@John Daymon I cant bamboozle you.
@Taylor pikeys guns
@Dutch Bear buy a mic you squeaker
@thehomelessdude PMSL ... a fucking KOS Line ahahaha
@Shokron13 most decent palistinians I have ever met.
@Racxes can survive a 30mph tesla as TFU
@Silent has better aim than Speedy
@Youseff decent mod and savage bloke.

Realised theres too many people to name, cheers lads.
TL;DR New job, see you in a week. L8TR BIIIITCH
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"Iamorgless" is not better name

Cya man! This goodbye post is DENIED
It's a massive shame to see you leave, you're a great guy to hang around with and working with you in the plpd has been fantastic. I hope that at one point you change your mind and come back. I'm sure that everyone will agree that you've been a pleasure to both work with and role play with.
i yn gobeithio gweld chi eto
Goodbye Dai mate, you're the one being left back in the changing rooms now:( hope to see you back soon bro
When I saw this post I hoped it wasn't real because I actually will miss you. Not every day I say this but as Jimmy Jackson would say @John Daymon Your a decent fella.
WTF where is my tag, bitch ... no, seriously I'm going to miss you no homo. good luck in your future