GPS Squad Cars

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Topic: GPS Squad Cars

Short explanation (in notes):
- Showing officers their vehicle's location on "map" on the phone.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It often happens in a crowded situation that someone takes your vehicle as an officer e.x if I'm a normal officer going to the bank robbery someone takes my vehicle by mistake meaning I can just run and respawn it and they might get stuck on the highway because of this.

Optional additions:

If anyone can come up with Optional additions or thoughts about it I would add it.
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Seeing as it is very unlikely that an officer IRL would just "steal" another cops car, perhaps an easier solution should be that only the cop who owns the car, should be able to drive it.
More like this: With ability to view the whole map, a dispatcher who could see the location of all government vehicles would be able to send backup to an officer who isn't responding. Dispatcher would also receive 991 calls instead of lieutenant and... dispatch units. Lieutenant could be able to do the same if there were no dispatchers and maybe have the same map on his PDA.
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