Green Street Elite "GSE"

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Professional Stripper
Reaction score

I'm forever blowing bubbles / Pretty bubbles in the air / They fly so high / They reach the sky / And like my dreams they fade and die / Fortune's always hiding, I've looked everywhere / I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air. / United! United!

life taught me there's a time to stand your ground, and his death taught me there's a time to walk away.

I've never lived closer to danger, but I've never felt safer. I've never felt more confident, and people could spot it from a mile away. And as for this, the violence? I gotta be honest - it grew on me. Once you've taken a few punches and realise you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go.

Was that a terrorist attack? What happened here? Welcome to match-day madness. Tottenham was in town last night.

10 Commandments of the GSE:
  1. Don't steal from other members.
  2. Don't be a minge or a pikey.
  3. Don't attract unnecessary attention from the authorities.
  4. Don't attack allied organisation, unless they attack you first.
  5. Don't betray the org.
  6. Don't disrespect or harm other members.
  7. If a member of the organisation needs your help you are expected to help no matter what.
  8. All members expected to wear claret.
  9. Always take at least 5 bandages to a raid.
  10. If you see someone in a Millwall shirt, give them a Chelsea grin while they watch their house and car burn down.

Enemy orgs:
Any goons

If you wish to join feel free to apply using our application form.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me. 967-2197
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These strange men and women, which I and my fellows shall from now on call the Whitevest Fucks or the White Minge Horde have invaded Paralake City and have been giving us and other syndicates issues. They cannot afford actual weapons, so the best they can do is be a thorn in the side with their bats.

They have been a thorn in our side for some time now. Rewards will be offered to members of the GSE for their deaths (make sure you have a reason.) Otherwise, successfully kidnapping them will bring you an even bigger bounty (again have a reason.)

Happy Hunting!
A lot of people will ask why did you leave Seal Team 6, @Dom_ 's org, raid Mega Lolis @JER 's org, and make my own org when I'm literally friends with everyone in both. I made this org because I felt a lot of players that mainly play as cop or have low marksmanship, allies or money ect had no chance to compete against both orgs and a zerg PD. I accepted a lot of people I wouldn't have looked at before and met some great people. I wanted to give a lot of people a chance even if people called this Gaylindo v2. I wanted a lot of people that mainly played as cop or TFU to have a chance as civ and see what it's like trying to compete with 8 cops and 4 tfu. Hopefully, a few of you did in the short time. I'm going to disband the org. Mainly due to nothing being done to preserve criminal RP. @TinySlayer and @ayjay ツ are relying on people like @Dom_ @JER and @ICEKILLER_99 to start shootouts everyday when nobody else does same as how they rely on events to boost playerbase. You have people spending 4 days as TFU without spending 5 minutes off duty. We were told we should pick "better times to raid ect when other orgs are being raided by the PD" that should never happen, why should anyone have to wait for that. I gave you maximum effort, they gave back nothing. You had a chance to have 3 org against each other and actually have some criminal rp again on the server and you blew it, just by taking us for granted. If these people left what would you have? an empty server where nobody starts shootouts and the cops that abuse the PD safespace for free shootouts are left doing traffic stops to boost egos. In the end, the only way we can compete with a zerg PD is to just have 2 orgs together and no enemies because you expect 6-8 people to kill 8 cops and 4 tfu. We've complained about this for 6 months and what have we had back? nothing, half assed models and fuck all else even with every single suggestion that isn't even trialled. Just do something, that's all I ask.
Honestly we would all benefit from more Public Orgs, less xenophobic zergs, as it helps people get into the criminal world. I would'nt even be here without a certain public org many years ago.
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