- A computer that works
- Steam account that is verified
- At least one game that has steam trading cards
- Some dollar on yo steam account
- Last but not least, you can't be @Adrish Incoming dumb rating from Adrish
More friend slots
More trusted
A bank account that is in the negatives, oh wait that's not a positive
More trusted

Next you will be required to download something [click here] Steam Idle Master
Once downloaded, install the program and run it, it should be self explanatory from there, if not read the spoiler below.
- Download the program.
- Open it using winRAR or 7zip.
- Extract it to a folder.
- Open IdleMaster.exe.
- It should currently look like this
- A window should popup asking you for your steam information, you may also have to confirm this using your mobile phone.
- It should automatically start idling games.
- Go to http://steam.tools/cards/
- Sort by Set Price
- Use the top games, copy the name.
- Search for the game on steam, I'll use "Rage Parking Simulator 2016" as my example

Make note of the app ID (449630) which is highlighted in red.
- Then head over to http://steamcommunity.com/id/YourSteamID/gamecards/449630/

Click on Badges, then click any random game you see

I would click on "Batman: Arkham City GOTY"

Then change "200260" to "449630" (or the game you picked) and you should find yourself on the game badges page.
Once on the badge page, scroll down until you can see the cards themselves

- Click on
- Then click
- If you plan to buy 5, make sure to change it to 5
- Once the card has been bought, you will need to buy the remaining 8 (yes, it's a drag)
- Once you've bought all of the cards, you will see a button saying "Craft Badge"
The program will get you steam trading cards which can be used to craft badges, you will have a limited amount of "drops" per each game, but if you just afk on the game itself you can gain loads of cards. I recommend using Counter-Strike: Global Offensive which is a cheap and fun game anyway, it's very cheap on steam and even much cheaper on G2A. You're able to afk on the main screen of csgo and get a couple of card drops, which can then be used for badges or can be sold on the marketplace. Most of you probably have a bunch of cards sat in your steam inventory.
I made this thread just to help people who want to level up their steam level, apologies if some doesn't make sense