Guide to answering actions

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Hello. This guide is made for newer players who want to know more about actions and how to answer them.
Please make sure you are also familiar with all server rules too.

Section 1 - What are actions?

~ The gamemode itself has some limits, and doing certain things such as fistbumping your best bud is not possible.
Well, atleast not visually.
Hence, usage of /me command was introduced.

- Knowing this, you can perform the following in chat:
" /me puts his fist out towards John "
This will display a message in chat saying:
" Jack puts his fist out towards John "
In return your buddy can fistbump you back:
/me bumps Jacks' fist "
This will display a message in chat saying:
John bumps Jacks' fist "

- The /me function is very important in roleplay, it is used frequently as it is a crucial part of the gamemode.
While using "/me" you are permitted to use players IC name even if you don't know it.

Section 2 - How to answer an action from another player?
~ In the first section you were cheerfully playing with your buddy, and his actions didn't directly effect you.
But what if someone tries to force you to do something?
- For example, Jack is peacefully roaming bazaar trying to get to his car to go buy some food.
Suddenly, a wild John appears out of no where and confronts him because he doesn't like his clothes. He keeps following you and judging your clothes, but you decide you are above that and keep walking.
- He decides to forcefully stop you, using an action:
" /me attempts to grab Jack by the hand "
This will display a message in chat saying:
John attempts to grab Jack by the hand "

While performing a /me on someone that directly affects them like this, make sure it includes "attempt" since they are in position to resist the action (exceptions stated below).

Don't worry, you can resist his action.
" /me attempts to move his hand out of the way "

- You try and resist, but whos action will prevail?
The /roll function is used in scenarios where two /me actions are performed to see which one will win.
Both players perform /roll.
Jack rolls 32.
John rolls 45.
Johns' number is higher and he wins the action, now holding Jacks hand and keeping him in place or pulling him if he decides to move.

Section 3 - When can I


resist an action?

1. Handcuffs - if you are in handcuffs you can't resist an action.
2. Zipties - If you are in zipties you can't resist an action.
3. Gunpoint - if you are under gunpoint you can't resist an action, unless if by doing so your chances of survival are increased severely.
4. Putting your life at risk - if by doing so you put your life at risk you
can't resist an action, unless the outcome outweighs the risk (refer to rule 3.4 and 3.6).
5. Unrealistic action - If the conditions to resist an action are unrealistic you
can't resist an action.

Section 4 - What if someone breaks these action conditions?

~ Make a report via the usage of F6 in game or make an Action Request.

Section 5 - Usage of /desc(ribe) to answer actions.
~ /desc is an action used to describe certain things such as what NPCs say.
Under any circumstances you can't lie while performing a /desc.

- For example, you shoot a man near hospital out revenge. The police manage to detain you. They bring you to the hospital NPC (government employee) and ask him verbally (voice or chat) if he had seen anything.
If you know that the NPC saw you shoot the guy you do:
" /desc The NPC claims that he saw the man in handcuffs (John) shoot that dead person "
This will display a message in chat saying:
[Describe] The NPC claims that he saw the man in handcuffs (John) shoot that dead person. (John Doe) "
Your IC name will be displayed in brackets at the end, since its not presented on the front.
\ Again, under no circumstances may you lie using a /desc /

If you know that the NPC had no chance to see you shoot the guy you do:
/desc The NPC claims that he heard shots but saw no one. "
This will display a message in chat saying:
" [Describe] The NPC claims that he heard shots but saw no one. (John Doe) "

You are obliged to use /desc if you know the answer to a /me in a roleplay situation.

Section 6 - Different scenarios of actions
~ There are too many situations where "/me" and "/desc" are used. I will try and list some of them.

John shoots a guy and police arrive on scene and detain him. He previously shot the man once in the chest and when he was unconcious he shot him once in the head to finish him off.
John attempts to claim self defence and say he got stabbed but he bandaged and shot the guy once in the chest.
(John is lying but he doesn't want to get arrested so he lies)

- How to see if he's lying?
Police Officer performs an action:
/me checks Johns' body for any stab wounds that are bandaged or open "
John has no wounds, so he answers:
/desc There are no wounds on Johns' body "
Police now know John is lying and they proceed to check the dead body.
Police Officer comes to the dead body and performs an action:
/me inspects the body to see where it has been shot "
John knows the answer so he answers:
/desc The body has been shot once in the head and once in the chest "

- Through investigation John gets arrested for murder and provision of false information.

John shoots a man down with a Berreta m9 but this time manages to get away to his slums 4 aparment.
However, a random citizen manages to film him doing this with his phone and he's now warranted by the police that came to slums.
Police breach into his property and detain him.
They can't find the weapon on him or in the apartment, so they proceed to search his storage. (This can be done if he stored it within 5 minutes. While storing items refer to server rules).

1. Police Officer performs an action:
/me searches the storage container for a Beretta m9 "
John didn't place it in his storage, so he answers:
/desc There is no Beretta m9 in the storage container "

- John gets arrested but they don't find his weapon that he passed to his buddy in slums 3.
Same situation applies to car trunks while searching.

John attempts to use his crowbar to break into a car but fails, leaving damage on the car door.
Someone calls police on him and he gets detained, but he claims he didn't do anything.

1. Police Officer performs an action:
/me inspects the car door for any crowbar damages "
John damaged the door with his crowbar so he answers:
/desc There is damage on the car door "
Police proceed to search John for a crowbar, then check if the crowbar has been used, then continue to charge him accordingly.

Section 7 - Powergaming and unrealistic actions
~ Powergaming is a form of unrealistic action towards one or more players which is deemed invalid. Generally, anything that wouldn't normally give you resistance in real life to an action such as a push, is deemed powergaming.

- For example, these are examples of powergaming, which are invalid actions:
1. /me lifts Jack up and throws him
2. /me grabs both players by the hand and drags them.

- Generally, two actions at once or multiples ones in the same /me is considering unrealistic and powergaming.

Thanks for reading.
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what the fuck why are you encouraging actual roleplay thats not allowed

nice guide tho
what the fuck why are you encouraging actual roleplay thats not allowed

nice guide tho

This is just incase someone ever wishes to roleplay.
Added my WIP list, just need pics.
Cant manage to combine the spoilers in situation 1 they just revert, would be great if a staff member could fix that.
Thanks Sorle. :D
Fixed some typos, and mistakes.
Hopefully this thread will encourage people to link new members this guide to assist them. I'd also recommend to send this to your friends if they're new to RP.