Police Suggestion Handcuffs will have their badge number on it

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Suggestion Title: Handcuff serial numbers
Suggestion Description: The ability to identify who cuffed someone by checking the badge number on a handcuff will and thought just now will be a great idea.
This will help officers identify who cuffed a suspect so that officer can deal with him.
This is required and needed I believe as people ditch their suspects.
So by adding this way of finding who cuffed someone can seriously police work and makes life just so much easier.
Eventually you will have to let that suspect go. So this suggestion can make a big impact on the PD to let that officer deal with him.

Why should this be added?:
- With this suggestion it improves:

; Makes it easier to identify who cuffed someone

;Makes life pretty much easy as you can look up their badge number and check who cuffed him

;Get the officer to deal with the suspect instead of you waiting.

What negatives could this have?:
- With this suggestion it may be hard to create I believe.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: You can figure out who cuffed someone and get that officer to deal with him.
This shouldn't be required as whoever cuffs a suspect now has a duty of care towards that person and shouldn't really be leaving them alone anyway...
The model of the handcuffs is already fairly small, unless you wanna put like clothing price tag on them


(Thanks ChatGPT)
Suggestion Title: Handcuff serial numbers
Suggestion Description: The ability to identify who cuffed someone by checking the badge number on a handcuff will and thought just now will be a great idea.
This will help officers identify who cuffed a suspect so that officer can deal with him.
This is required and needed I believe as people ditch their suspects.
So by adding this way of finding who cuffed someone can seriously police work and makes life just so much easier.
Eventually you will have to let that suspect go. So this suggestion can make a big impact on the PD to let that officer deal with him.

Why should this be added?:
- With this suggestion it improves:

; Makes it easier to identify who cuffed someone

;Makes life pretty much easy as you can look up their badge number and check who cuffed him

;Get the officer to deal with the suspect instead of you waiting.

What negatives could this have?:
- With this suggestion it may be hard to create I believe.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: You can figure out who cuffed someone and get that officer to deal with him.
U have truely lost the damn plot, first of all modelling is hard, I know I tried it, why model something that nobody is going to see, Second, Gmod is over a decade old meaning that the engine (source) would not be able to properly make things out without doing a bunch of other shit around it, and last but no least are u making a microscope so we can see who suspect got crowbared out??
This shouldn't be required as whoever cuffs a suspect now has a duty of care towards that person and shouldn't really be leaving them alone anyway...
what if a new player cop leaves a cuffed suspect and leaves instand of shouting over the radio who cuffed this suspect we can id who did it
what if a new player cop leaves a cuffed suspect and leaves instand of shouting over the radio who cuffed this suspect we can id who did it
Then if its a problem enough for a suggestion to be made then maybe PD command should look at finding a way to ensure new officers understand it such as adding it to the base officer exam, furthermore whatever officer takes charge of a scene should be ensuring all cuffed people are moved out of danger and accounted for accordingly. This just seems like a problem that's due to the lack of competence from the PD rather than something developers should waste their time developing. In real life I doubt there's a single pair of handcuffs with someone's badge number engraved into.
Maybe just add a text next to the "You are handcuffed" with the officer's badge number instead of all of this
Not being able to identify who cuffed someone opens the door for suspects to try and talk their way out of situations, especially when dealing with lazy or inexperienced officers.

Adding this will prevent that interaction and just allow PD to cheaply 'check' the cuffs and see who dealt with you, so they can quickly pass the buck

I don't think this is something needed, if anything it can be dealt with training and policy from PD, such as a checklist for the standard due diligence that won't get you in trouble with your supervisor/IA when encountering unclaimed suspects
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