Harder to get to guns

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Topic: Harder to get guns

Short explanation (in notes):
-Harder to get an gun
-Crafting a gun needs higher levels
-A gun shop needs a license to sell guns
-You are able to see if someone got an equipped pistol

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Its like everyday, gunshootings, bank robberys, and these things. Everyday at least 3 gun shootings with the police. Thats pretty unrealistic. Paralake is a peaceful town. Like 90% of the citizens owns a gun. And 70% a assault rifle. Thats like an world record if this would be a real town. The reason is, everyone gets to easy guns. In my city, there is it a big big big exception if a shooting breaks out. Like in maximum there can be 1-3 shootings in every year. I would say it would be harder to sell and craft guns. I see everyones storages and there are like 40 guns with ammo. Pretty unrealistic.

Optional additions:
Alright so I'll quickly go over this...

While not a bad thought to limit conflicts in which guns are used, what you propose hardly makes practical sense. Because you don't seem to realize a lot of the server at this point has a high enough crafting level to create just about anything anyways, so whether or not we raised the levels required people would still craft just as easily. As for requiring a gun license in order to sell, you are missing tons of details here that I would require be added in order to have this be considered.

Such questions would be...
  • Who gives out the license?
  • How do you qualify for the license?
  • How long does a license last?
  • How do you show you have a valid license?
  • What stops the person that gives them out being biased against certain people?
  • What does this license actually allow for?
  • Are mags then legal to sell without a license?
  • How is it known if the items for sale in a shop are from the licensee?
  • How would this really stop any one from obtaining a gun?
It goes on and on, there are lots that should be addressed and described in your idea or at least thought out as to provide answers to anyone's questions about it. Many people have suggested a license before, but no one seems to have any real answers to any of it. So if you think you can answer, I'll be happy to listen to them and ask follow up questions.

Then you go on to say they should simply be harder to craft... Again you miss any sort of actual idea, it is simply a thought at this point. Besides even if people didn't have so many guns in their storage, they would easily craft or find someone else to, that would supply their needs at all times.

I don't mean to sound like I'm taking this out on you, but people really should give a full idea not just random thoughts of what should be added. It needs to be thought out and explained in as much depth as possible, otherwise I or Fredy as coders have to figure out what is possibly meant by missing details, and how to get around possible problems with innovative approaches which can delay any sort of progress on an idea. So please add more substance and answer the questions that I have so far put forth.
Alright so I'll quickly go over this...

While not a bad thought to limit conflicts in which guns are used, what you propose hardly makes practical sense. Because you don't seem to realize a lot of the server at this point has a high enough crafting level to create just about anything anyways, so whether or not we raised the levels required people would still craft just as easily. As for requiring a gun license in order to sell, you are missing tons of details here that I would require be added in order to have this be considered.

Such questions would be...
  • Who gives out the license?
  • How do you qualify for the license?
  • How long does a license last?
  • How do you show you have a valid license?
  • What stops the person that gives them out being biased against certain people?
  • What does this license actually allow for?
  • Are mags then legal to sell without a license?
  • How is it known if the items for sale in a shop are from the licensee?
  • How would this really stop any one from obtaining a gun?
It goes on and on, there are lots that should be addressed and described in your idea or at least thought out as to provide answers to anyone's questions about it. Many people have suggested a license before, but no one seems to have any real answers to any of it. So if you think you can answer, I'll be happy to listen to them and ask follow up questions.

Then you go on to say they should simply be harder to craft... Again you miss any sort of actual idea, it is simply a thought at this point. Besides even if people didn't have so many guns in their storage, they would easily craft or find someone else to, that would supply their needs at all times.

I don't mean to sound like I'm taking this out on you, but people really should give a full idea not just random thoughts of what should be added. It needs to be thought out and explained in as much depth as possible, otherwise I or Fredy as coders have to figure out what is possibly meant by missing details, and how to get around possible problems with innovative approaches which can delay any sort of progress on an idea. So please add more substance and answer the questions that I have so far put forth.

* How would this really stop any one from obtaining a gun? It doesn't.
* NPC Will give you the license at the weapon store
* You will need a certain firearm level
* Can be bought at different lengths
* Do you see people in your state everyone having a weapon?
* You will get a message trying to put down a weapon near a cash register " You need a valid gun license to sell " Or something.
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Regarding your idea
I do agree with @StephenPuffs, this suggestion if ever to be added needs to be thought out and planned correctly in order to actually make any sense and structure to be placed within the server.

The license could be given out by as @shaun said, the NPC within the gun store; you must have a certain firearm level (around 5) in order to obtain a gun license and in order for you to sell a firearm. The license should last forever, upon purchasing it for a price at a certain level; you are able to sell guns at any point after this. A gun license with an expiry date may be a little annoying, to keep going back to the gun store every 15 days.
I do however not understand what this would really achieve, possibly a better roleplay experience but it seems to be more of a annoying feature rather than something that would actually benefit players.

Completley different idea:
My suggestion would be to have a gun license in order to physically be able to obtain and equip a weapon as a civ, you must be past level 5 firearms level in order to go the the gun-store NPC and purchase a firearms license for a price around 5,000 - This will stop new members being able to use their starter money to go over to the business shops and buy a firearm and then potentially use it to cause gun-crime within the city (therefore lowering roleplay) and also to stop RDM'ing within the server until they know the rules (around level 5 firearms) - I mean, this idea isn't perfect and completley thought out but a new structure on firearms could be added and work with this idea.

I do not think that this is a very good idea but I woild like to add a restriction to it based on playtime. Before I came to PERPheads I was on Asterisk Gaming and their perp you could not pickup a gun or go for a job until you reached the playtime required I think this could be implemented and would be more effective. If this would be used both for weapons and jobs it could be a massive improvement giving new players the gap to read the rules more.

In question with licences this is exactly the same response as Drivers Licence who would give them out and where and when will they?
I agree on AyJays idea of a gun license and if you were to buy one you should have it forever. I think there should be a registration,for example if you get a M1911 you have pay a little bit of money to get it registrated so you can carry it whan ever you want(this doesnt mean you have to pay every time you get an M1911 just one time and it would stay forever). And I dont think you should be able to see a person carring a pistol, couse in real life you cant see if someone has a gun under their shirt(maybe make the mp5 visable,but the MAC 11 should stay the way it is couse it is way smaler than the mp5). :)
what about people that have been playing for a long time? They will probbibly have insane amounts of weaponry. Do they have to buy a 5k licence for every single gun?
It would be stupid to pay that much for a gun, maybe about 500 (or something like that) and once you pay for example MAC11 you dont have to pay any other time you get a MAC11.
None of these options you've listed will make a difference. People will very quickly get licenses for gun shops, and weapons will continue being sold. Many people are already level 100 in firearms, therefore they'll be able to craft weapons anyway.
I'm not sure if gun licenses would actually work. Unless you cannot use or even fire a single firearm without a license (i.e. New guy buys a gun, but doesn't have a license. Weapon is loaded, but new guy cannot possible fire it, no matter what), which is also highly unrealistic. If you could still use a firearm without a license, people would not care, and continue committing crimes, as they use their weapons for illegal activities anyway - The fact that you don't have a license is not a big matter.

"You are able to see if someone got an equipped pistol" is a pretty bad suggestion (sorry). It is highly unrealistic to make equipped pistols automatically show, as pistols are very easy to conceal. If pistols (and SMGs) were constantly shown when you equip them, most criminal activities would go away (i.e. Mugging people, as they'd notice the gun right away). And to be honest, the criminal activities are what makes PERP, well, PERP.
I never had a problem with people haveing guns on PERP, I just tought maybe a gun licenses would be a fun thing to have, but to make people not able to shoot is just unrealistic and it sould not be added. About the problem with new players geting guns just lower the starter money so they have to work and read the rules.
Everyday at least 3 gun shootings with the police. Thats pretty unrealistic. Paralake is a peaceful town.
How would that be unrealistic? In America there are tons of shootings a day, go there's a Danish officer living in Philadelphia and he said an officer dies like every 3-4 days. That's a city equal to Paralake which has many suspicious places where there could be raids (forest, hick town, docks)
About the problem with new players geting guns just lower the starter money so they have to work and read the rules.
Hell no.
Not every single new player is dumb enough not to read the rules. Some are better at it than others, and if they only spawn with $300 then they can't feed te homeless!

Anyways I think it could be great with a gun license as you need to do a test for that and it would let people know about for example 3.4 and when not to use a gun :3 (I'm practising for shotgun license irl, and if I didn't need a license for it, then I guess I'd not get such a successful hunt.. Which means PH players could get a better experience with a gun if they get a test for the license.)
I wasnt thinking about giveing them $300 to spend,what do you suspect whan you give a person 10 or 15k they will find a closest gun store and get them self loaded. Most new players that come on this server are used to DarkRP where you RDM and not to PERP where play realisticy. I dont even know why I am complaining a lot of those new players give me a profit whan they come to my shop to buy guns so let them have 10k or how much they have....
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