Server Suggestion Harsher NLR enforcement features.

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Suggestion Title: Harsher NLR enforcement features.
Suggestion Description: Have players who are in their NLR zone:
- Be visibly marked to all players, not just staff. This can be done by having a rare animation, such as throwing up, play every 5 seconds they are in their NLR zones.
- Die after being in their NLR zone for more than 20 seconds.
- Unable to damage players within their NLR zone.
- Kills them and blackscreens them if they interact with entities in their NLR zone, such as doors, cars, and dropped items.
- Possibly giving them an obstructive screen effect too, like old magic mushroom effect?

NLR Enforcement without staff being around simply means that an extra vigilant player would need to act on it.

Why should this be added?:
- Better NLR enforcement, which is required here according to rule of the month.
- Newer players have more of a hint they are somewhere they shouldn't be as most shrug off NLR zone issues.
- Prevents any sort of real interaction with people within your NLR zone.

What negatives could this have?:
- Coding it I guess.
If this is implemented, I'd also like to see some way for government workers to acquire their vehicles at City Hall and have them spawn at City Hall Parking, so that you're not completely handicapped for 5 extra minutes if you are run over outside of PD.
Im gonna have to say no but only because of how this is handled, but I also do agree with some of these.

- Player NLR warning? Yeah I like that.
- The current health reduction is good.
- Preventing them from interacting? good.
- Dieing and black screen and etc? Bad.
- Unable to damage players? Good, maybe add you can damage if they damage you but you cant strike first blow just because then you can self defend if you're walking across a bridge or etc to merely go to garage and get attacked. (NLR showing could prevent that).

I will say that the new map might make me change my tone. Because right now if you die say at intersection or hospital you need to take a long super mugging risky route to even get your car to do stuff. As well as if you need to drive past your NLR as a FF or EMS (but not go into NLR zone) the screen effects could cause you to crash and kill someone and get reported.
- Die after being in their NLR zone for more than 20 seconds.
If this were added it'd have to have some failure conditions, sometimes people are unavoidably brought into their NLR zones (such as being cuffed and brought to PD after dying there earlier) and so we'd need a way of making sure this doesn't interrupt the RP that should be continued regardless of the NLR zone