The absolute man.
Whilst I do have a long list of people I’ve met here who definitely deserve this recommendation, genuine inspirations like @Collier and such incredible friends as @blackdown, @Mim, @Jack (both of them), @McGlinchy, @Skudist and many more, this has been a long time coming.
@Hayden is an incredibly fair and rigorous Administrator and an absolutely fantastic friend. His performance as a staff member is tremendous and he’s one of the most reliable people I’ve ever met, period. Such a calm and calculated individual, and so down to earth and friendly. He’s an extremely competent character and I have no hesitation in saying that pretty much everyone, hugely including myself, could take a page or two from his book.
I need not say anymore. I hope you continue to perform as you are, you’re amazing my friend. This may have been a bit soppy but it’s absolutely deserved. Impressive bloke overall!
Whilst I do have a long list of people I’ve met here who definitely deserve this recommendation, genuine inspirations like @Collier and such incredible friends as @blackdown, @Mim, @Jack (both of them), @McGlinchy, @Skudist and many more, this has been a long time coming.
@Hayden is an incredibly fair and rigorous Administrator and an absolutely fantastic friend. His performance as a staff member is tremendous and he’s one of the most reliable people I’ve ever met, period. Such a calm and calculated individual, and so down to earth and friendly. He’s an extremely competent character and I have no hesitation in saying that pretty much everyone, hugely including myself, could take a page or two from his book.
I need not say anymore. I hope you continue to perform as you are, you’re amazing my friend. This may have been a bit soppy but it’s absolutely deserved. Impressive bloke overall!
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