Headphone help is required!

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Hello all. So I use those wired headphones you'd use for a phone on my PC, and they work perfectly fine.
I had a problem around 4 months ago, whenever they would plug out of the jack, after plugging them in I would have to restart my computer in order for them to work.
I've fixed that problem, a friend of mine helped me about it, but now when it happens and I have GMod on, I can hear everything but GMod, I have to shut down the game and open it back up in order for it to work again, which is a pain in the ass.
Anyone know any fix or someone who had the same issue but fixed it, I'd appreciate you a lot
What type of headset do you have? There is a chance when it is unplugged that your gmod switches to the sound of your screen or to the second channel of your headphone (just check in sound settings for different channels and if gmod is in one of those). I am not entirely sure how to fix that but thats probably googleable if thats the issue
Make sure your speakers are set to default+communication device, disable everything else.

If your headset/headphones have a usb adapter get rid of it and plug it directly into the back of your motherboard or the front of your case.
I have everything else disabled, and it still happens, also i dont use a usb adapter