Help me get rid of this atrocious issue on YouTube

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North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
I currently have a problem on YouTube that is bound by account where hard refresh itself doesn't help, no Google Chrome addon is causing this. I have two scrollbars, one where I can scroll the video and comment section and one where I can scroll the recommended videos. This is fixed by going into cinema mode but I like my videos to be smaller and not take up everything on the site, I don't usually use fullscreen.

I will not create a second account just to fix this issue so that option is out.
I've tried looking but I've found no help so far, some have the same issue. I've also looked into that "Test beta features" site somewhere on the bottom of YouTube's page and nothing there is enabled.
its the new annoying ass youtube layout being shit
get the improvedtube extension on chrome to get the old layout back cus its better
Might be possible to write a script in Tampermonkey or use Adblock to remove the extra scrollbar element (can try help you w/ that if you can't figure it out). As far as I know it's YouTube's issue and you'll have to just wait until they fix it on their side I guess.
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