Helper Application _Wxsley_

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STEAM NAME: _Wxsley_

AGE: 17

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:499234016

IN-GAME NAME: Lesley Husky

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I have different reasons why I want to be a helper. Since I play with Lucius alot, I come across many situations where we help players/new players.
And by doing this I have found out that helping people is actually quite enjoyable.
I am always doing my best to help Lucius with helping new people, and help people myself whenever I can.
I have been in different situation now where I didnt quite manage to gain a new player their trust so I believe with the role I can do a better job.
Thats why I want to be helper so I can actually do something about new players not knowing the rules and give them trust I can actually help them with the role.

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU?: Since I returned I have been with Lucius alot, During this I saw him helping out people in many ways like OOC and HELP but also in person.
This seemed quite enjoyable to me and so I decided to assist him in doing so. By assisting Lucius I found out that I like helping people alot aswell.
We have also started hosting events together and 'invented' a new event points system (EP). These are points people can win and then choose their own prizes with.
During all of this I found out that I actually really like the tasks of a helper on this server, and seeing as there are usually not too many helpers on I believe I could really assist in the helper duties.

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: I have been staff (mostly around the moderator area) in a few other communities in games like Minecraft and Rust.
During this I have experienced how I can help newer players and explain to them how certain mechanics and features work.
Even though moderator and helper aren't very similar, I do believe this will be quite helpful when I am showing people around the server or when I am explaining rules or laws to people as I know how to calmly bring a message.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Thanks for reading my application, if you disagree with my application feel free to leave constructive feedback below.


Your time played on the server must be at least one week (press Q in-game to check this)

No recent in-game bans, warnings or blacklists on record within the past month, this includes both the forums and the server.
You must have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the server rules and laws.
You must maintain an active presence on the TeamSpeak Server

You must maintain an active presence on the Discord Server
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I normally dont comment on applications and I honestly shouldn't.

But this application has a massive +support from my side, Wxsley is extremely helpful in ./help and ./ooc and also doing events with me. He is always ready to do fun events together with me and has extremely fun ideas for events that people really enjoy. He is creative and dedicated when doing an event and finds good ways to make them enjoyable for everyone. I honestly haven't encountered any issues with him helping people or helping me with events.

Very helpfull, good candidate.
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