Helper Rank and Helper Requests

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Main Idea: Helper Rank and Helper Requests

Full description of the idea:
I would like to see, that the Helper rank is reintroduced on the perpheads server. This rank should give new players the assurance that what they say is 100% legit and not a joke. They will also be able to response in /help without a cooldown, so they can help more often and better, without using their own OOC messages for it. For some biger questions there should be an extra tab, like the one for reports, where a player and a helper can speak, so OOC doesn't get flooded with questions and answers.

Newly joined players will also be notified that there's a helper request function using a pop-up or the chat, but i do think a pop-up would be better.

The help chat will only be used for small problems that can be answered with one or two /help's or when there's no helper online.

For greater problems we would have the Helper Request.

People shouldn't be helper before getting STAFF Rank, since helper is something else, for those who really want to help others, not for those who want to work themselfes up in the staff team, they can still do it tho, but they won't have advantage for being a helper.
Why should it be added?:
Some people say, enforcer and staff should handle this, but according to me enforcers need to enforce the rules, and so do staff. I think staff already has enough work to do, so Helper rank would be a good addition to the team. The help-chat that's currently active, is good, but there are also trollers who just like to prank players, this isn't so bad if it's to a known player. But if this happens to new players they won't understand and they'll just leave the server.

Adding helper rank, will help to get new community members, by helping the newly joined players, we can get them to stay, and to understand the gamemode RP. This will result in more new players who would like to play more and explore PERP.

Helper rank was indeed removed back in the days bcs the community became very helpfull with the help chat, but overtime, like i already mentioned, the trollers came, who like to prank in help chat. This results in confusing new players, so they'll leave in a short time, not continuing to play on the server.

People with Helper rank also seem more approachable, closer to the people then Enforcers and above, they're closer to the community, the newly joined also see helpers as kind and friendly people.

-Helps new players much more then the /help in OOC, since they can only ask one thing at a time.
-encourages new players to play more, and to keep playing, since they get help for what they need
-new players will know certain things faster, improving Roleplay and RP-situation
-all players will be helped better
-players won't have to flood OOC with multiple questions, so improves OOC-chat
-Helper rank stands for assurance, that what they say in /help or the help requests is 100% legit and not a joke.

-will take more time from helper ranked players
-could slow down roleplay, helpers will sometimes be busy helping people.. (it's normal, this will help RP in the furture tho)
-getting enough people that want to be Helper
this also means that bolli has no choice but to give me Helper back xd
The thing is I don't think that this is something that players should be able to apply for, this should be just as honorary, a few selected people who have signed an interest for the rank shall be given the rank as they are trusted within the community to be able to answer with the right answers to the questions that are asked within /help.
Applications give everyone a chance to be recognized and give knowledge to the administration that they are interested in that position. Though I agree with only a few people being selected.
To be honest with you, i dont feel like this is needed that badly. Experienced players can already help people on /help and i see this happening all the time. What point is there to add a whole new rank to fulfill a purpose that is already being fulfilled. Its just gonna be a tryhard rank that everyone wants to get so they can say: yea im a helper mate i'm above you.

Not neccesary
I mentioned the "trollers", i know there are people already helping players, but there are also those "trollers" who just make pranks to people with help, this isn't bad when this happens to well-known players, but to new member this could result in them leaving and never coming back.

According to me Helper is something for people who really want to help people, they aren't above normal players... They just received the rank bcs they want to spent a part of their time to help new players, all the players on perp. I think when someone really uses the sentence "look at my rank, i'm helper, i'm above you" their rank should be taken away.
Perp has always had a addiction to adding ranks. The danger of this is that you are going to create things that are really not necessary. This will just become another show of for people. Their are already enough people helping new players, and as far as I can tell the amount of people that are trolling is very little to non existing. There are already rules to prevent this.

This is a waste of time and effort that could be spended better in my eyes.
The rank helper should be added, bcs they're closer to the people, new players will see them as friendly and kind people, who are willing to help them for big and small problems. And these helpers won't get annoyed if it takes 5-10 minutes of their time to help them.

I still see players pranking to /help's, or /help's that don't even get a (good) answer.

The helper will also help players who aren't familiar with RR's, AR's, IA's, Applications for PLPD and so one.
Misusing the /help chat is against the rules tho, so "trollers" can get punished for it
Misusing the /help chat is against the rules tho, so "trollers" can get punished for it
I know it is, but some people just answer in the OOC chat, they can't get punished for that
We don't have any future plans to create any new ranks, however we do have plans to create a help resource which should give newer players lots of insight into the gamemode and features within it (hopefully at the start of next year). We plan to cover near enough everything within this, as nothing as extensive as this really exists. If players have some spare time they would like to donate to helping us with this project, contact me via the forums.

Our players regularly are quick to respond to many questions by newer players, and staff are more than happy to help if new players make a report. We don't see a massive need for a specific rank for people wanting to help out in /help; it already get's used a lot. (Sorry @jjjackier)

Thanks for the suggestion @curak, and I hope this helped.
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