Community Suggestion Helper ranks.

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Suggestion Title: Helper ranks.
Suggestion Description: The idea here is to add helper ranks.

The helper team is currently a part of the “Community” team, the only ranks within this team however are developers, Helpers and Community Managers.

In order to keep helpers around and not have them Jump ship to enforcer inevitably, Adding ranks to progress towards and downgrade to may help retain the helpers from jumping to more permissions.

Ideas for ranks include:
- Junior helper: Ideally, this would be the probation rank for helpers. They would just get the SCAM Menu for HandS reports.
- Helper: Current rank with all the existing permissions.
- Senior helper: Grants them access to Noclip, demote, Force sell, force surrender, bring, goto, and return. Should also hold job, Voice chat and text chat blacklist.
- Head helper: Should hold some enforcer permissions like kick, as well as grant extended props and admin chat. Would be in charge of helpers essentially, weighing in on helper applications and being a part of the decision of accepting or denying them, as well as possibly looking into helper complaints maybe?

Why should this be added?:
- The helpers can be a staff team with opportunities for progression without having to jump ship to enforcer when they want to progress.
- Viable candidates to fill all these positions exist already.
- More permissions so helpers can do HandS reports that currently may only be fulfilled by enforcers, such as situations you’d need to teleport to, such as people being stuck on chairs.

What negatives could this have?:
- More ranks?
Helpers have the following permissions as there seems to be some confusion on that:
  • The full notify tool
  • Force re-name
  • Rename shops
  • A god stick
  • Rename tab menu command
  • Full moderation over; advert, ooc, looc, and help (Although other then the help chat we can only enforce basic conduct, in help we are permitted to enforce more general abuses of the chat)
  • Staff chat (Not admin chat)
  • Picking up players
  • Voice Chat Mute
Helpers have the following permissions as there seems to be some confusion on that:
  • The full notify tool
  • Force re-name
  • Rename shops
  • A god stick
  • Rename tab menu command
  • Full moderation over; advert, ooc, looc, and help (Although other then the help chat we can only enforce basic conduct)
  • Staff chat (Not admin chat)
  • Picking up players
Forgot voice chat mute
I like this idea and would love to see different helper ranks implemented! I like the 4 roles mentioned too and I think that probationary helper would be excellent for new helpers to get used to the role! The ranks would also add a goal for helpers to work towards making them feel more rewarded for their work!
This is actually a very good idea! It's a lot us helpers can help out with but we're very limited on permissions. Most helpers is going for enforcer (you can very much see it on enforcer apps) and I think a lot of it is because we lack permissions, of course it's something we need to work ourselves up to, to show that we can do all of the above and gain the trust of the staff team and the community. There are certain times when there isn't mods on and people needs to have props removed, base check, people AFKing on the job taking up a job someone else want etc. I think more people will be more eager to have the rank helper as well. That can also show if Enforcer could be something for someone that wants to be enforcer some day (No I'm not saying Helper is a stepping stone to enforcer)

All in all I think this is a very good idea and hope to see this or at least some of this granted! :D
This is a conversation I've had with a couple of people recently. One thing that comes up in those conversations and in some of the comments here is the trust issues, people find it a bit harder to trust the helpers than an enforcer +, although the system can easily be abused to give helpers in-game advantages with or without the new permissions a helper has just as much to lose by abusing the system as any enforcer+ has. A helper seen abusing their powers should be made a staff complaint on if they abuse their current powers or the powers they might gain in the future and the same goes for staff above this rank.

Exnem points out that a system based on trust and performance(and experience maybe?) should be used to determine which helpers should qualify for senior helper and I agree with this, I believe this would be the only way to do this right if senior helper was to be implemented.

A helper is not here to steal the workload of enforcers+ or take rule breaks into their own hands and enforce the rules. The way I see it a helper is here to assist the players when they need help, and a bit more permissions could be beneficial for everyone, helpers would be able to respond to more of the incoming F6 help and support requests than they currently can. Giving helpers access to demote, force surrender, kick, bring, return and admin chat would be taking it a bit too far. The changes suggested can also be a way to make the helper rank look more attractive and make the helpers that want to go for enforcer stay and progress or make more members want to join the help team instead of the administration team.

I believe that adding two ranks would also be a good thing, new helpers would be given an introduction to the helper role just like enforcer is to mod and senior helpers are members of the help team that has shown themself valuable members of the help team just like SM has to the moderation team.
This is a conversation I've had with a couple of people recently. One thing that comes up in those conversations and in some of the comments here is the trust issues, people find it a bit harder to trust the helpers than an enforcer +, although the system can easily be abused to give helpers in-game advantages with or without the new permissions a helper has just as much to lose by abusing the system as any enforcer+ has. A helper seen abusing their powers should be made a staff complaint on if they abuse their current powers or the powers they might gain in the future and the same goes for staff above this rank.

Exnem points out that a system based on trust and performance(and experience maybe?) should be used to determine which helpers should qualify for senior helper and I agree with this, I believe this would be the only way to do this right if senior helper was to be implemented.

A helper is not here to steal the workload of enforcers+ or take rule breaks into their own hands and enforce the rules. The way I see it a helper is here to assist the players when they need help, and a bit more permissions could be beneficial for everyone, helpers would be able to respond to more of the incoming F6 help and support requests than they currently can. Giving helpers access to demote, force surrender, kick, bring, return and admin chat would be taking it a bit too far. The changes suggested can also be a way to make the helper rank look more attractive and make the helpers that want to go for enforcer stay and progress or make more members want to join the help team instead of the administration team.

I believe that adding two ranks would also be a good thing, new helpers would be given an introduction to the helper role just like enforcer is to mod and senior helpers are members of the help team that has shown themself valuable members of the help team just like SM has to the moderation team.
This right here! Well explained
What I would really like to see added:
  • Move other players props with Physgun.
  • Force Sell
  • Open HandS Reports with players
  • Send props to storage
  • See players position - to locate them easily (button for it in scam menu - only possible for players with open HandS tickets)
  • (Search function to search for players in Scam menu quickly)
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I think, personally, the helper rank is fine as it is. It doesn't need an extension, and it certainly doesn't need all these unneeded ranks. But that's my opinion.
We actually did a lot of work as a result of this suggestion so thank you. We won't have formal ranks but it did allow us to make some permission changes etc.

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