Henry's ban appeal

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban

Appeal type: Apology

Which staff member banned you: @Daymon (He's gone) so @TinySlayer & @Madda

How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Henry
Your In-game Name: Amelia Smith
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54209905

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Multi-Hack

Why should this appeal be considered:

Two years ago when the ban was issued, I made the worst choice I could have in my time on perpheads. I decided that it would be a good idea to inject a cheat into my game and blatantly use it to my advantage. This was completely unfair to others and sparked suspicion in Daymon and everyone else who knew how terrible my aim was in general, even my base mates were confused. I laughed and thought it was hilarious how I was killing everyone, but in reality I was being an absolute idiot and it wasn't funny at all because I couldn't aim for anything and I just wanted kills. Going back and rethinking my actions on that day, I wouldn't have bought the cheat in the first place. I was stubborn because I always lost in gunfights and was one of the most toxic players on the whole server, and yes I will admit that. During the time that I have been banned, I have always regretted my actions since that day and have really thought through everything, my general attitude and behaviour has improved a lot since then and I think I have really turned myself around. I was previously ban evading on the server, around 2-4 times in total and haven't for more than or around a year now, I understood how pointless it was and how it was making the situation a lot worse than I thought. I have always wanted to return to perpheads and see all the new progress on the server, the good times I used to have on the server will never be forgotten. I apologise to the entire community for my actions and especially to the staff and players who were involved, I cannot blame anything or anyone but myself for these acts, it was so serious that I was told that I would never be unbanned again but I would really like to prove myself and turn everything around for the better. I have made multiple appeals and have tried my hardest to be accepted into the community again and I cannot and will not ever let myself or anyone else down again.

Additional Comment(s): I can't say that this was a mistake it was a commitment, one which I completely regret and have regretted ever since.
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