hi guys

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United Kingdom
hi guyz. fresh from darkrp. cunt wait to play together and do some gr8 RP

I got my binds ready

/advert mug/raid/kidnap/hostage/PD raid

where can I buy admin too?

Jokes aside, I come from a semi-serious background and wish to up it a notch with a brand new experience with serious rp'ing. Some of you may be familiar with me spamming OOC with silly /help questions.

Its a very original gamemode and ive enjoyed every second of it - minus the sprinting across the map because of grumpy cops and cool kids that dont talk to sweatervests.

Looking forward to my stay!
Welcome to the server, hope you will enjoy your stay. While you're at it, be sure to read the Rules and the Laws. By doing so , press F1 while ingame and i think it will be fine. Good luck and have fun here on the server! :)
>didn't get staff on one
>try the next one
Welcome Jericho! I actually fell for the first part of your introduction, lol. Hope you enjoy your stay and I hope to see you around in game!
Welcome to the community buddy! I'm sure you'll find yourself at home here, be sure to drop by for a flirt on Team Speak 3 ;)
Welcome to PERPHeads!
I am sure you will enjoy it here!
I recommend you check out the rules and laws
If you need help / have a question feel free to message me!

Also Merry Christmas!
Welcome to PERPheads, Jericho. I myself am from the serious background of Clockwork and NutScript but it's nice to see someone from the metaphorically other end of the spectrum. I hope you enjoy your time here, meet some new people and I hope to play with you in-game!
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